Riker (TNG)

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"Jackson..." You said trying your best to hold it together as you approach your boyfriend. 

He didn't respond. 

"Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" You asked again. 

He didn't give as much as a nod as he sat hunched over at his desk, extensively burying himself in his work like always. 

"Jackson, It's really important...I really just need to talk to you. I haven't been feeling very well recently, I mean mentally. Just it feels like I'm buried in mud, my thoughts and emotions feel so far away from me. I don't know how to explain it, I just feel like things aren't good between us and this unsteady ground is eating away at me...Jack, are you listening to me?" 

He sighed, "Yes, I'm listening. Listen (y/n), right now isn't really a good time." He said shortly before going back to his books.

"But when is a good time? You and I used to be such good friends, but it's like the second we started dating you just feel like it's okay to brush me off. You've made it obvious again and again that your work means more, and that's okay, but I have to at least mean a little to you...Maybe this was a bad idea, I mean I feel like we maybe hardly even know each other."

Now he looked at you, shooting daggers before his eyes became glassed over and frustrated, "Listen. This is really important, can't you please go bother someone else?"

You bit back your tears, "Yeah, okay. Fine. But as soon as I step foot out of this cabin, we're over." You said as a last plea. 

"It was bound to happen at some point." He mumbled while once again turning back to his stack of books, you briskly left your quarters. 

The second you were out of the door you burst into tears, your feet carrying you down the corridor. You didn't even have to think about where to go, it was just an instinct. 

You knocked on Riker's quarter's door. Tears still streaming down your face.

No response.

You knocked again but louder. 

"Go away! We're a bit busy right now." Riker said on the other side of the door. 

"S-Sorry!" You said through broken sobs, you slid to the floor and finally broke down. 

Suddenly the door slid open and Riker stood there with a sheet wrapped around his waist, "...I didn't mean to send you away. I didn't realize it was you." He said helping you stand up.

"I'm really sorry, I can come back when it's a better time..." You said feeling embarrassed. You looked to the floor, hoping he wouldn't notice you had been crying. Which was frankly not going to happen. 

"What happened?" He asked softly, making your lip quiver. 

You just stepped forward and wrapped your arms around him, he pulled you into a tight hug. 

"What the fuck?" A voice asked approaching from the bedroom, "You'd leave me in the middle of sex, for her?" A very attractive and tall girl with light brown hair asked. 

You pulled away from Riker, "I didn't mean to intrude. I'm sorry."

"Look how pathetic you are. Why would you think he would be intrested in someone like you when he could have a proper woman like me?" She said smirking. 

You could feel your spine go rigid, "Listen, sunshine. I don't know what you think is happening but I just really needed to see my friend."

"Freind? I bet you're just another one of his whores who comes running at a drop of a needle to get his attention. He would never see you as anything more." She laughed.

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