"I said I would kill him if he talked to me again!" Amity started pulling feathers out of her hair, causing Bosha to start slowly backing up inside the house with her hands up in defence.

My eyes widened in shock as I thought about it. 'Ahaaaa she wouldn't really do it right? Right?' I steped outside looking to the front of the door.

To my relief hooty was still alive, just very. Very, disoriented. "Phew!" I put a hand over my chest, cautiously looking over to Amity.

"Come inside?" I gestured to the door, making enough room for Amity to walk through.

The door shut behind me startling me a bit before I walked up to Amity and Bosha. Amity raised her hand in the air smacking me upsude the head.

"OW! Amity what was that for? Why do people keep hitting me?" I looked over to Bosha looked for answers, but the three eyed girl only shrugged to my dismay.

"Worry me like that again and ill put you through more pain then I ever would hooty!" I turned to her. The Blight had a serious look on her face. Memories of when I was leaving the cafeteria, Amity looking at me with pure fear came back to me. I felt more then bad about that. I felt terrible. But hey, it all worked out in the end. Kind of. I have a strong feeling I'll never hear the end of this from Willow.

A second set of knocks was heard at the door, Bosha rushing over to answer it, probably trying to get away from the conversation.

And to no suprise there stood Willow, Gus, and Skara.

"Come on in guys!" I waved them over, sitting on the couch. Willow sat next to me, flicking me on the side of the head. "Why just why?" I crossed my arms putting on a pouty face.

Amity gave tiny giggle, sitting next to me and giving me a side hug to make me feel better, although she smacked me too. And my god 'I could listen to that laugh forever'. It was a short and sweet laugh, but one that could brighten up my day no matter how bad it was.

Blood rushed to my cheeks tinting them a light pink color, no matter how hard I tryed to cover it up.

"So uh- erm Willow! What happened after I left the cafeteria?" Im suprised I was able to even get out a proper sentence.

"Oh let me tell you!"

We went on for about an hour just talking about the new hero, and me acting suprised everytime she told me something about the fight. But I knew all about it. How could I not, it was the most adrenaline rushing thing I had ever done.

"That all really happened?" "Yeah! It was so cool!" Skara was smiling at the thought of the memory, all though I didn't see the appeal of the entire school being held at gunpoint.

Gus nodded vigorously, a smile plastered on his face.

"It was definitely interesting to say the least." Amity had never been one for blood rushing situations. She had been the more quiet place and a book type.

By this time it was already dark, the moon hanging high in the sky.

Bosha was in the kitchen, helping herself to my hot chocolate stash.

"Thats amazing!" I had to hold in a laugh that rose in my throat and put on the most serious look I had.

We spend the night joking and laughing, trying to get the thoughts of the school day out of our head. I pulled out some movies I had brought from the human world. And that may or may not have struck up some arguments about what we should watch.

"I'm telling you mittins Home Alone looks waaaayyyyyy better!" Skara held the movie up so everybody could see.

"Well for you information Skara, I think Elf looks like a better movie. And you have no right to call me Mittins!" Amity folded her arms over her chest sticking her tounge out at Skara.

I rested my arm on Amity's shoulder looking at the teal haird girl. "Well Mittins im telling you, I think you would probably like Home alone better." Amity looked up at me raising an eyebrow.

"And why do you say that?"

"Only because it's about a child who gets forgotten behind while their family goes on a holiday, people try to rob the house blah blah kid puts traps around the house blah blah blah its all better." Amitys face was dusted a light pink looking up at me confused.

"Well in my opinion I think we should watch The Bee Movie." Gus looked up at all of us from where he was practicing shuffling cards on the floor. "I think the guy on the front looks snazzy!" He laughed at his own comment causing me to look over at him giving a solid glare.

"No... Never again.." Gus looked shocked from the seriousness in my voice. I'm almost pretty sure everybody was at least a tad unnerved from the solid glare I had givin.

"Home alone it is!" Willow looked shocked more then ever. And I could only imagine. She knew me the best out of everybody, and I was kind most the time.

I took the Home Alone disk rubbing the back off with my sleeve and putting it in the dvd tray.

I ploped down on the couch waiting for the Movie to start. I had been really excited for my friends to be able to watch something I grew up on.

Amity sat next to me and beside her was Willow then Bosha then Skara. Gus was originally going to sit on the couch but he offered Skara to sit there cause there was no room, and he sat on the floor.

Mighty suspicious if you ask me. If I were to think of anything it would be that Gus would take any chance to sit on a chair.

Oh I knew where this was heading. I shot Gus a smirk, wiggling my eyebrows at him.

He put a hand to his neck waving it back and fourth signaling me to stop.

I gigled looking back towards the screen.


The movie came to an end as I let out a long yawn. Looking around the room I saw Willow, Skara, and Gus were all asleep. Bosha was on her phone probably scrolling through Penstigram. Looking at my phone it was 12:00 AM. 'Wow that was fast'. Looking over to my side I saw Amity who was also asleep.




Shes on my shoulder.

Amity asleep on my shoulder...

'Amitys alseep on my shoulder' this is fine. Nothings wrong. Don't panic Luz, don't panic.

I couldn't help but take in her beauty. She was quite pale with perfect skin and short hair. After I had left, Amity grew her hair out a tad. It was now down to her shoulders, her brown roots slightly grew out complimenting her eyes which were now shut in a peaceful sleep. Her chest rose and fell from the soft breaths that filled the room.

"So somebody fell asleep on you too?" I looked up to see Bosha staring at me, phone still in her hands.

Willows head was rested on Boshas leg, her glasses half way up her face in a peaceful sleep.

"Yeah I guess so." I laughed a bit trying not to move to much in case it would wake up Amity.

"Yeah I thought about waking her up, but she looks so peaceful." She smiled at her own comment. "Yeah. I guess she wasn't as interested in Home Alone as I thought."

Amity stirred in her sleep causing me to tence up. She repositioned herself on my shoulder before going back into deep sleep.

I relaxed again letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding. The only light other then the moon was the tv, the white light shining over all who were in the room.

"Well then Luz I'm going to go to sleep. You probably should too. Wouldn't want you to be a walking zombie in the morning." I smiled at the joke, laying my head on Amity's.

Would she kill me for this? Probably. But for the time being it was worth it. I closed my eyes and soon after sleep followed.

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