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    Zolda fired his shoulder cannons at the Dark Rider while keeping his cool and trying to calculate all different scenarios. The Dark Rider took one hit but then started to running as he was trying to keep his distance between Zolda. The Dark Rider slid before squatting and then thrusted the short mechanical dragon head to his enemy, the black dragon then circled and lew straight at Zolda firing a black fire ball. Zolda stepped back before inserting another card into the Magnuvisor, then closing the slot as the visor stated, "GUARD-VENT!" the fireball hit Zolda but he stayed standing. As Zolda chuckled, he threw the shield away as he was ready to finish this fight; a peculiar thing did happen though, the Dark Rider was no where in sight as Zolda was looking around just incase this Dark Kamen Rider surprised attack him. After three minutes Zolda went back to where he came into the Mirror World before looking behind him once again, then he left the Mirror World.

    The Dark Rider stepped out of the shadows of the mirror world, he gripped his fist before sighing. He only had to wait a bit longer, a bit longer to bond with the lesser version of himself and to take on the rest of the Kamen Riders.


    Shinji slowly opened his eyes and saw that he was at a hospital before looking to the left; he saw Daisuke, Reiko, and Miho waiting for him to wake up. Shinji groaned as he tried to get up before his friends looked at him and almost rushed to his side. All of them were talking with great enthusiasm and happy for him to be alive while Kido was looking down and basically not happy about his previous fight with Kamen Rider Zolda. "Weakling..." Shinji heard his own voice called out almost mocking him as he looked around, "Can't protect anyone," Shinji heard again as he was starting to freak out as well as try not to be insane. The crew of the Ore Journal left as Shinji was looking down hearing his own voice continue to put himself down and making himself question his role in this war. 

    Miho looked at Shinji and grabbed his hand, "What's wrong newbie?" she asked Shinji as she smiled at him before he heard, "She wants to kill you, kill her first," and Kido then looked at the window to see only his reflection. "I...I'm to weak to be a rider..." Shinji stated with such sadness in his voice, the voice seemed to be doing his job while trying to find a way to protect people.

    "Why do you say that? You have only been in three battles," Miho pointed out trying to cheer him up.

    "I wasn't able to protect myself against Zolda," Shinji also pointed out looking at Miho trying to make her see his point of view.

    "Don't worry about Zolda, I will find out who he is," Miho said as she gently put her right hand on his cheek.

    "Mi...Miho!" Shinji exclaimed as he was blushing as well as shocked at this action.

    "The doctor said you can come home tonight, if it will help I can sleep next to your room," Miho suggested while gently rubbing her thumb against his cheek. This caused Shinji himself to blush more as a small smile formed on his face: inside both of their hearts they started to feel almost a pull towards one another while possibly a result of that pull will be realized soon to come.


    It was night time at the hospital and Ren was walking the halls finding a room; in the room he was looking for was a woman with light brown hair, beautiful face while a oxygen mask was on her, and she was also being visited by a doctor. "How is her condition?" Ren asked as he held his bike helmet on with one hand as he stood by the door watching the doctor at work.

    "It's slowly worsening the longer she is in the coma," the Doctor said as he finished writing some notes on his clip board before looking at Ren, "She may never wake up."

    "She will...Eri is a fighter," Ren stated before hearing the mirror noise, "Excuse me," Ren said before he nodded to the doctor. He then ran outside to see Zolda fighting a monster, Ren put his deck to the window as the belt latched around his waist, he did his pose before yelling, "HENSHIN!" then fully transforming into Kamen Rider Knight. 

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