An Alliance

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    Shinji and Miho came out of mirror world as they looked around to see Ren coming out with Tezuka as the fortune teller looked at the couple before he placed a hand inside his pocket. "How are you two doing?" Tezuka asked as he had his hands in his pockets and looked at them.

    "Why?" Miho asked as she stood up, "Why did you stop me from killing Asakura?!"

    Tezuka was unphased by her anger as Shinji just curled up and he seemed to be in pain or in shock, "I told you, my predictions always come true. Now what is more important, vengeance or love?" he asked before nodding at Shinji.

    Miho looked at Shinji and her face softened as she went to pull him into a hug before looking at Ren. Ren just raised his eyebrow before looking at Tezuka with a glare that would put fear into normal people. Shinji just took a breath, "I can't believe I was able to keep on fighting after that asshole kicked me in the balls," Shinji whined which caused Miho to sigh and Ren to roll his eyes. Miho just put her hand on Shinji's chin and motioned her to look at her as she gave a soft smile.

    Ren looked at the two, "Get a room," he said before going over to his motorcycle and got on it before looking at Tezuka. "I don't know why you saved them but don't ever step in my way to take down a Rider," he said as he put the helmet on.

    "This Rider War doesn't serve anyone's goals but Shiro," Tezuka called out which caused everyone to look at him. "I got my deck when my friend was supposed to become a Rider, he died and I took his place," he said as he put his hands in his deck. "Riders should only protect people, putting your wishes in front of innocents is what Shiro Kanzaki wants," he stated which caused Ren to put down his helmets visor and rode off. Shinji and Miho looked at Tezuka where they just looked at him with interest as Tezuka helped Miho get Shinji up.


    After a few hours Miho, Tezuka, and Shinji were at Miho's house as a butler served tea while the couple stared at Tezuka for a few moments before Shinji coughed to break the silence, "What do you mean that the fighting is to serve Shiro Kanzaki? I thought he disappeared a long time ago," he stated before looking at Miho and then at Tezuka.

    "The entire Rider War was instigated by Shiro," Tezuka stated before he sighed and looked down, "I had a friend that was at a university that Shiro Kanzaki attended, he said that Shiro had blueprints to some kind of deck and a device. Late one night there was an explosion at the lab then when he entered the lab, everything was normal except no blueprints, no device, no Kanzaki," he revealed as Shinji looked interested while Miho was skeptical.

    "So, you're saying that Yui's brother created all of the Advent decks and the Kamen Riders?" Miho asked to see if she was getting his story straight.

    Tezuka looked at Miho and shrugged, "That I don't know, after that my friend was never seen again and about two months before my best friend was killed by Evildiver," he said as he didn't seem to be bothered by it, but he lowered his head and closed his eyes.

    "I'm sorry for your loss," Shinji stated as he lowered his head before he realized something, "Why did you save us with Ren?" he asked as he looked at Tezuka.

    Tezuka raised an eyebrow and looked at Shinji, "My prediction said that you will be rescued, it was still correct," he said as a validation for his interference with the fight between them two, Ryuga, and Ouja.

    Miho and Shinji just raised an eyebrow before looking at him like he was more insane than the serial killer they just fought. Tezuka returned the look, however with a subtle smirk as he picked up the teacup and drank the tea, "Which brings me to my proposal to the both of you," he stated before setting the cup down. "More riders will join; they will be enemies and three Kamen Riders will be the one to stop Kanzaki's plan. At a great cost," he stopped before he looked at the two of them as he wasn't sure who the three riders are yet. "I will join you as an ally and form an alliance against the other Riders," he finished as he leaned back and kept his coins inside his pocket.

    Miho had a skeptical look on her face, "Why do you want to join us, most of the riders fight for selfish reason while this adorable baka," she pointed at Shinji who look somewhat offended by her comment. "Just wants to stop the fighting between all Riders," she finished as she grabbed Shinji's hand.

    Tezuka looked at her, "Two riders have already died," he stated bluntly which caused the couple to look at the fortune teller with a surprised look. "I don't know which two but my battle against Gai gave me insight that he might be either the third or fourth rider to die in this war," he said as he set the tea cup down. "With Ouja, Gai, and the Dark Rider. You'll need more people as other riders are starting to come out more then the past," he said before he took his coins out.

    "The past? This has happened before?" Shinji asked. Miho and him are majorly confused now hearing Tezuka words.

    Tezuka frowned a little bit, "I have no proof except that I gave the exact same fortune to two other people and they came true. Which is impossible under normal circumstances," he stated before he looked up at them, "But my instincts tell me that we might have had this exact conversation before in different circumstances," he finished as he crossed his arms.

    Shinji nodded before he tilted his head with a somewhat bewildered expression on his face while Miho didn't buy it. The two looked at Tezuka as they were still wondering if he had any ulterior motive for a good few minutes before Miho broke the silence. "I agree to you joining us, however if you ever try to kill any of us or Shinji. I'll personally kill you," she threatened as she still didn't trust the fortune teller.

    "Understandable," Tezuka stated before he took another drink of tea, "I am not here to deceive you. I will be an ally to you and Shinji," he finished before going back to drink his tea.


    Shiro was standing on the edge of a building looking over mirror world as Ryuga approached in human form. "Tezuka...I suspected he might be troublesome but to save those that should be enemies," he shook his head before turning around, "That ticks me off."

    "I can always kill him if you want," Ryuga offered as he put his hands into the pockets of his jacket. "Also, he will be more troublesome if he forms an alliance with the Riders," he pointed out.

    Shiro held up his hand and shook his head, " won't be necessary," he said before he looked at the dark rider, Satoru has been...reconditioned...and ready to fight with us," he stated with a small smirk on his face. "Also if you do your part, Jun will be our puppet as well," he said as the trenchcoat flapped in the wind as Shiro's eyes glowed gold. The real war has just begun.

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