The Dark Rider

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Shinji was tapping his foot on the ground before he looked at the window to see Dragredder looking at its master with a sad expression on its face. He sighed before he nodded at the mechanical dragon, "I know... I just don't know how to help them," he stated before he popped a chocolate into his mouth. He just took a deep breath before looking at the chocolate that Miho got him; Dragredder came out and sniffed at the chocolate, before looking up at Shinji. "Wait, you want the chocolate?" he asked as the dragon just nodded its head. "Huh, a dragon with an appetite for sweets," Shinji stated with a surprised tone in his voice.

Shinji tossed his partner a chocolate to which Dragredder happily ate before the two just continued to eat the chocolate. Then the dragon returned to the Mirror World before Blancwing came back and squawked at the mechanical dragon, Shinji looked up to see Miho come and sit next to him. She put her arms around his right arm and put her head on his shoulder, "How are you holding up?" she asked.

"Better," he replied with a forced smile, "But not great," he said as he then closed his eyes and put his head on top of hers. He then saw Tezuka and Ren come back with worried expressions. "Hey guys, what happened?" he asked.

"We faced a silver rider, with a Rhino advent monster," Tezuka stated as he pulled out a coin and flipped it.

Shinji's eyes widened as he was about to stand up, but Miho kept him down with her. "That's the guy who is holding my friends hostage!"

Ren and Tezuka looked at Shinji with concern before looking at each other. "Also... we have bad news," Ren stated as he looked at Miho and Shinji. "Sudo has been killed by a Rider."

Shinji and Miho looked at Ren as the both of them asked at the same time, "Who killed him?"

"Asakura," Tezuka stated to which Miho was the one that was about to get up, but Shinji just hold her down.

Miho's eyes burned with rage and vengeance as she looked at Shinji, "He has to die," she growled to which Shinji just slowly let her arms go.

"I hate to say this, but I agree with Miho," Tezuka stated to which everyone looked in shock. "Not everyone can be saved or have their minds changed," he stated as he looked at his coin when it landed back into his hand. "Also, for the safety of everyone, the rider that holds your coworkers hostage. He will be the next to die."

Shinji just shook his head, and he stood up. "I can't believe that," he stated in defiance of everyone at this moment. "He should be tried and convicted for his crimes, not killed. The same goes for Gai," he stated to which Ren went up to him and grabbed his jacket.

"Listen here Baka," Ren stated coldly as he looked into Shinji's eyes. "Being a Rider means more than just protecting people for monsters, especially when a wish is on the line that can do anything for the winner," he reminded Shinji. "Also, not everyone will want to play hero and save people. They will kill until they are stopped."

Shinji looked at Ren as he just held his gaze at his friend's eyes, "No... I don't believe that," he replied before looking at Tezuka. "There has to be another way."

"There isn't Shinji," Tezuka stated with sorrow in his voice. He looked at the two before he just took in another deep breath. "Sometimes Shinji, a hero or justice can mean different things to different people. Justice is an idea, not a full-on rule of law," he explained while he put his hands into his pockets. "Your idea of justice is to protect people, Miho's is killing her sister's killer, Ren is fighting to save his fiancé," he pointed at everyone as he looked back at Shinji. "There will be time that you will have to kill someone in order to protect others, and you will not hesitate."

Shinji looked down, he hated the idea of killing anyone. He wanted to save everyone even if he had to kill in self defense. The way that his friends were talking about to kill just didn't set well with him. He got up and left as Miho had a worried look in her eyes at Shinji's expressions. "Shinji," she called out while walking after him.

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