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    Scissors looked at his two cards, "I'm sorry old friend," the rider apologized as he looked at Zolda and inserted the first card into the Scissors Visor, "ADVENT!" the visor stated as the crab monster known as Volcancer came out and threw Zolda at the mirror that they all came in. Scissors then looked at Ouja as he inserted his last card, both of the riders closed their respected visor as both visors stated, "FINAL VENT!" Volcancer then went behind Scissors as the rider breathed in and out slowly before jumping into his contract's monsters arms then getting launched at Ouja.

    Ouja tossed his visor away before running straight towards Scissors with Venosnaker slithering behind him. Ouja had his arms at the side almost like a t-pose as he continue to run, Ouja then put both feet together as he did a black flip up to Venosnaker's mouth. Venosnaker launched Ouja towards Scissors with sparks flying everywhere as Ouja flailed his legs up and down. The two riders the collided in the air as a huge explosion went through the area but none of the reflective surfaces thankfully broke. As the smoke and fire cleared, Ouja and Scissors were at opposite ends of where the Riders started their final vent's. The both of them turned around and waited to see who took the hit worse.

    Sparks came out of the armor of Sicssors and then he went to the ground, kneeling down in front of Ouja as his armor then disappeared. Sudo looked at the ground and saw broken pieces of his deck with no cards to be seen, he looked at Ouja with utter hatred in his eyes before hearing Volcancer coming up to him. Sudo stood up as he tried to attack Ouja but being pulled by Volcancer and then being forced into its mouth. Ouja tilted his head as he heard popping and the sounds of the skull being cracked into by the monster, the evil rider then watched as the rest of the body turned into particles then dissipating into nothingness. Ouja heard the no coming from the real world before seeing the particles in his armor, "Hmmm...this rider stuff is fun," Ouja chuckled before walking away to return to the real world.


    Shinji laid down in his head as he smiled to himself on a good birthday and also to Miho saying yes to him finally asking her out. He turned over to as he started to close his eyes due to a long day of celebrating. Shinji didn't know that from the mirror world he was being watched by the dark rider as a plan was going to be set into motion, one where there will be one rider. The mirror rippled as Kamen Rider Ryuga came out and looked at his hand before putting a finger to Shinji's head. A light came from Ryuga's finger as it then went inside Shinji's head causing him to stir in his sleep uncomfortably. After a few moments the Dark Rider then went back to Mirror World before hearing another mirror break, "Ungrateful humans," he growled underneath his breath before leaving the area.

    Shinji woke up with a start a few hours later, feeling the pain within his brain as he gently touched the area that Ryuga touched earlier. Shinji found dark thoughts coming into his head about the Rider War and even some thoughts about starting to feed some humans to Dragreder.  He shook his head before hearing Mirror Noise, he got out of bed and went to the mirror in his room; he shouted, "HENSHIN!" and transformed into Kamen Rider Ryuki. He then jumped into Mirror World not knowing what he was about to face.


    Ryuki drove to the location before getting out of the Ride Shooter to see Ryuga tossing a child and a man towards Dragblacker as the monster eats them, "Eh?!" Ryuki yelled which caught the attention of the Dark Rider. "Who are you?" Ryuki asked trying to make sense on who his opponent was, "Why do you look like me?" he fired another question before getting a roundhouse kick to his helmet. Ryuki spun around before being launched by a fireball by Dragblacker: he broke through a wall as Ryuga walked foward slowly, stepping over the rubble that was in the wall while staying silent. Ryuki pulled out a card and inserted it into the Dragvisor as Ryuga continued to walk towards him menacingly, "SWORD-VENT!" the Dragvisor stated as a hole was made into the ceiling as Ryuki's sword broke the concrete floor. Ryuki rolled and pulled his sword out of the floor before landing a few slashes at his dark reflection, Ryuga kicked Ryuki back as he pulled out a card from his advent deck.

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