His eyes flicked between her and Murphy, who shook her head.

Glenn continued, "If I take too long, you just go."

"We're not leaving without you," Murphy murmured. "That's not the way this works."

"I will meet you there," Glenn assured. "If I get stuck out here, I'll find some way to show you guys I'm okay. We all have a job to do."

"There's a feed store," Nicholas spoke quietly. "It's old- a lot of dry stuff inside. It should go up easy. I'll go with you. I can- I can draw a map."

Glenn shook his head, "No. You lead the way. Just gotta do one thing first."

Murphy watched as he walked away speedily. She debated following him, and ultimately decided to. She slowly rounded the corner to find him crouched on the ground, his bag open on the floor before him. She didn't want to intrude, so she quietly called out.


Glenn looked over his shoulder with teary eyes and sniffed, "Hey."

Murphy felt her shoulders relax and made her way towards him. She squatted in front of him and saw what he held in his hands- what he was looking at before he left. It was a gold pocket watch, big and beautiful. It was obviously old and a little tarnished, but that made it loved and worn, as if many generations had passed it down one after the other.

"Maggie's dad, Hershel... he, uh, gave this to me as a wedding gift," Glenn began. He chuckled ruefully. "Well, Maggie and I didn't have a wedding, but we got married. He was a veterinarian. You two would have gotten along so well."

Murphy smiled sadly and brushed her fingers along the watch's surface, as if that could give her a piece of the man she'd heard so much about, "He sounds like a great man."

"He was," Glenn replied quickly, but his voice was delicate. "I think about him all the time... what he meant to Maggie, and how much she meant to him. I don't want to let either of them down."

"You haven't."

"I could," Glenn insisted, his wide eyes locking with hers. "We don't even know if Maggie's alive... but I have to believe she is. Either way, I'm doing this for her. She'd want me to do what my heart tells me to."

Murphy stared silently, and her eyes fluttered to the ground, "Before we left, back when Maggie came to me with the good news..."

Murphy didn't miss the sparkle in his eyes when she mentioned their child. Her lips pushed upward in a soft smile as she continued.

"She said she had faith that the herd wouldn't change the future we're building in Alexandria- the future we're building for your baby. I would do anything to take your place, Glenn, just to make sure you're back for the two..." Murphy trailed. Glenn opened his mouth to protest but Murphy cut him off. "But, I know you will be. You'll be there."

Glenn stared at her with wide, teary eyes, wringing his hands.

"If-" he choked and dropped his head. "If I'm not... just tell her I love her."


"I'll be there," Glenn reassured. "I just need to know you'll tell her if it ever happens."

Murphy's eyes shimmered but she nodded fervently, "Okay."

"Okay," Glenn breathed, as if a weight had been lifted off of his chest.

Murphy placed both of her hands around the one that held the watch and squeezed it tightly, assurance seeping into his heart without words. She then released his hands only to pull him close to her. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and gave him an embrace of hope. He immediately reciprocated, throwing his arms around her waist. Murphy needed him to know that she knew, in her heart, that he'd make it back. She knew that there was some sick law in the universe that took life from those who deserved it the most, but in that moment, she was fighting against it. She needed him to be back for Maggie and the baby. He needed him to be back for Maggie and the baby.

𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧, daryl dixonWhere stories live. Discover now