Chapter Four: Losing the War - Part One -

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A/N: Sorry for the delay, I have been so busy with school and the holidays and other personal things.

Also, I will be using time skips. I will use two different time skips. One will look like this: ~*TimeSkip_N_*~ This one means that I have skipped a moment in time. The N is for normal. Normal means that what happened in that moment in time is the same as what happened in the books. The other one will look like this: ~*TimeSkip_D_*~ This one also means that I have skipped a moment in time. The D is for different. Different means that what happened in that moment in time is different from what happened in the books (and movies). That moment will either be explained later or what happened is supposed to be left to your (reader) imagination.


Pain. Unbearable pain. It was all I could feel. Pain worse than anything I could've ever imagined. Never ending pain. I jerked around on the ground. Someone was screaming. I wanted to help them. But I couldn't. I was in too much pain. Slowly, after what seemed like an eternity, the pain stopped. I realized that I'd been the one screaming. And then, Bellatrix lept onto me. She was carrying a knife. She cut into my arm. It hurt. I tried to stop her, but I couldn't. I was too tired. All I wanted was to curl up into a ball and fall asleep. But I couldn't. Everything still hurt. Then, everything got dark. I couldn't even open my eyes. I could hear voices, they were growing fainter and fainter. And then they were gone. Or maybe I was gone. I couldn't tell.


As Hermione is being tortured, Dobby, who had found Ron and Dean in The Forest of Dean, apparated Ron and himself to Malfoy Manner where they helped rescue Ollivander, Luna, Harry, and Hermione. Harry had thankfully cast a charm on his face that made his face barely recognizable. Therefore, the Death Eaters didn't realize he was Harry Potter. Draco Malfoy "confirmed" that it wasn't Harry Potter.



Ron stayed with Hermione and Harry until they got to Hogwarts. When Aberforth rescued the trio after they set off the caterwauling charm and advised them to leave, only Harry and Hermione refused. Ron took his advise and left. When Harry and Hermione attempted to persuade him to stay, he yelled that he had helped enough and was sick of not knowing if his family was okay. However what he didn't know was that he was about to see Ginny, Fred, and George, who were all fine - though they could have been better. He didn't realize that when he opened the door to the Burrow, everyone would be gone, all of them having left for Hogwarts. 

Later, in the Room of Requirement, Cho offered to show Harry the sculpture of Ravenclaw wearing her Diadem in the common room, Harry agreed and followed her. However, halfway there, Cho started crying and asked Harry if this was the last time she would see him alive again. Harry said no, but Cho said that just in case, he should give her a kiss. Although Harry refused, Cho insisted that it could just be a small, quick kiss, just so she could always remember him. Harry finally, reluctantly, agreed. Thinking it would be a quick, small kiss, he leaned in. The moment their lips met, Harry forgot about the Diadem, about Hermione, about stopping Voldemort. All that mattered was Cho, and that she was kissing him and he was kissing her. They only kissed, but it was quite a long, passionate kiss. Definitely not a small, quick kiss like Cho promised him.
Eventually, when his scar burned once more and he saw Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest, Harry came back to his senses. Then, insisting that there was not enough time anymore, he left to go find Hermione. Upon finding her, he told her that he did not find the Diadem, but that he knew where Voldemort was - in the Forbidden Forest, heading for the Shrieking Shack. Hoping he was going to secure a horcrux, they ran to the Shrieking Shack. As they ran through a war, Hermione told him Percy had returned. They also saw Draco Malfoy cowering behind a tree. Happy about this, Harry smiled as they ran to the Shrieking Shack. Once they got there, they watched as Snape died. Harry watched Snape's memories and left to go die. He "died" and, unknown to Voldemort thanks to Narcissa Malfoy, came back to life...

A/N: Shoutout to Skylar York (ThatSkylarYork) for being my first follower! Thanks a lot!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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