Chapter 3

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Jack's P.O.V

I got a notification saying that Adam has been redlined to Nathan's house. So I close my computer and snatched my phone off the kitchen counter while hurrying out the door, and rushing to my sliver pickup.

I hit the floor speeding, while hoping I'm not going to get a ticket. I rush to the door to see Nathan arguing with Kota about something.

Nathan sees me and points to my bedroom door I slam the door open to see the prettiest girl on earth, a heart shaped face with electric blue eyes with hints of green, velvety looking lips, her red curly hair done in a messy braid.

She had her hands up signing to Adam when I heard the most furious growling I look down to see a giant ass black dog with its hair raising and it's lips pulled back with large sharp teeth  showing.

I move back slowly and put my hands up. " Dino, come." A soft raspy voice commands comes from the girls mouth. The dogs actions change instantly. It was it's tail and jumps on the bed licking the girls face. 

" Holy Fuck," were the first words out of my mouth Adam shot me a look telling me to shut up, but then the most angelic noise came from the redheads mouth.

Addley's P.O.V

When the man said Holy Fuck I couldn't help but laugh at the pure disbelief on his face. They both stared at me so I stopped laughing on hopes the staring would stop.

They both seemed to have shook themselves out mentally and the man with glasses rushes up to me ignoring Dino's warning growls and said," Hello beautiful, my name is Jack Coleson and you are?"

I answered back in signing hoping that he could understand me and when I spelled out Addley, he raised a brown and asked if could give me a nickname. I shrugged my shoulders and signed go for it.

5 hours later

Adam's P.O.V

I watch out the window and see Lee pulling up and I head to the living room to see Adds giggles her head off while Jack has a goofy smile on his face staring at her dreamily.

Nathan has a small smile looking at his little sister like she's his whole world. Just then the the front door slams and Lee walks in. Adds goes white as a sheet and faintly whispers a, " Lee, Lee is that you?"

Lee looks to see who asked and a wide grin showing off his pearly whites teeth off and everything. He literally runs over and scoops Adds in his arms.

" A.J, is it really you?," He said his voice muffled was in her shoulder sounding like he was crying.

" Yes Lee, Lee it's me. I missed you so much." Adds chokes out.

Lee's P.O.V

I pull up in Nathan's driveway wondering what the hell was taking most of my team so long.

I walk in and a few seconds later I hear a faint, " Lee, Lee is that you?" I turn towards the couch and my heart bursts from seeing my childhood friend for the first time in a few years.

I grin and run over picking A.J up from the couch and spin her around. " A.J is it really you?" I question.

" Yes Lee, Lee it's me." She responded choked up with emotions.

Then she had a coughing fit and Adam scolds her saying that she shouldn't be talking with her throat. She signs that it was because she was so excited about seeing me.

Jack looks like he's about to explode with questions and I give him a look saying, be patient.

I ask why A.J's isn't supposed to be talking and Adam explains by the time he's done it's not just me wanting to take a flight and beat the shit out of someone.

" How the hell do you two know each other?" Jack explodes.

I look at A.J and she nods. " It's a long story but it started with moving into a new house in Ireland and the neighbors little girl punching me.

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