Meeting the Dalmatian Family

Start from the beginning

"Ok, ok..." Dolly said as the Laughing fit finally died down. "He has a key..."

They were calm down, until realization hit like lightning of what Double D said about the key shouting:


This made the rest of they're siblings had formed a crowd in a room. Two oldest siblings were just looking at them. More specifically at Double D, who was the one who said about the keys confirming his statement as he had a key of the dalmatian. There was a stunned silence around in the room as the ambience came to show. No one knew how or what to say about unexpected guest and how did they get into the house without using a paw scanner. It felt quite uneasy for Double D, so he cleared his throat saying in quite nervous voice:

"Well then... Ed how about settle in while me and Eddy try to speak with these two."

"Okey dokey, Double D." Ed said smiling goofily, he walks to them.

"Any of pups would love to show Ed around?" Double D asked the crowd of the pups, he then got answer as the two of the pups jumped excited saying:

"We will! We will!"

Double D pointed at the two pups and asked simple question to these pups:

"What are your names, if I may ask?"

"My name is Dizzy!" The female pup introduced.

"And my name is Dee Dee!" Her twin introduced herself next. Athough they were both twins, they had different spots on them.

"Hello! My name is Ed!" Said goofy Ed in happy tone.

"We'll show you around!" The twins exclaimed as they lead Ed to show the house around with the other pups followed them behind, leaving Eddy and Double D with Dolly and Dylan. Dolly was apperantly not fine with it as she shows a disgusted look.

"Woah HOLD UP!" Dolly exclaimed looking at them. "We can't just let them in! They might have a fleas!"

Double D and Eddy of course were very offended. They did not have fleas! Even from home where they live - or rather lived since other Cul - De - Sac kids are wanting revenge for the scam they made. Double D was about deny this, but Eddy beaten him to it:

"WHY YOU LITTLE-!" He said with anger as he was ready to even attack her, but he was hold by Double D. "WE DON'T HAVE STUPID FLEAS!"

"EDDY, PLEASE!" Double D pleaded his friend. "Let me handle this."

Eddy growled, but lets Double D do it as he took one step back.

"I apologize for my friends rude behavior," Double D began. "but I assure we do not have fleas. If we did your brother would scratch himself really badly."

"Yeah," Eddy said agreeing with Double D. "besides Double D's has this house and me with Ed will be his roomates! Gonna say it's bad shape for the house..."

Hearing him and his two friends saying that they will live here aswell made Dolly very appalled.

"Woah woah, hold it right there!" Dolly said pointing accused paw at Eddy. "If you think sockhead and you, shorty barge in like you own this place you really got another thing coming next!"

"I have a name you know, 'floppy' and that's Eddy!" Eddy said angrilly as he putted her paw away.

"Well I think we should start with explanation-" Double D tried to reason with them, until he was cut off by Dolly, who had none of it at all:

"I don't care! Get out of our house right now!"

"Yeah," Dylan exclaimed agreeing with his sister. "You three should leave before-"

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