Part 11

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After 4 & half hours later she woke up from her land of dreams adjusting her eyes by rubbing the eyelids. Seeing her woke up he pass a glass of water
Ram : here drink this  we will have our meal in 5 mins  , I was about to wake you up
Priya : Thank you sir
Their meal arrive and they ate silently & here priya was constantly feeling awkward in the situation she was in , there were no words exchange and she was not the person who talks to anyone , all  the while she was just talking with herself  .
After finishing the meal Ram initiated a talk with her regarding the project , and the intern she is supervising the conservation goes for quite a long time........

At 3.30 in the afternoon they reach South Korea , coming out from the airport she was living the moment inhaling the fresh air with a smile creeps on her face . Ram guide her to the car and they reached their hostel , the receptionist guide them to their rooms .
Ram before going in to hua room says " take rest for today  will meet you in the evening Priya "
He than goes to his room and toss himself on the bed and within secs he falls asleep , as throughout the journey he was admiring the sleeping beauty , it brings calm to his souls while watching her , he feels a new feeling emerging within him .
Priya calls home and talks with her parents for sometime , than she make a conference with her friends.
After a heartfelt talks she unpacks her bag & arranged her clothes .

In India

Vikram was on a date with neha but they were practically discussing about their fatty's topic . As dadi has given the order to find out about the unknown girl before Ram arrives home , they were on a mission .


Ram wakes up with the sound of her phone
Ram to himself : god ... I should've keep it mute , Hello
Vikram : yes Ram you reach safe na
Ram : haan Vik
Vikram: so I have called to tell you that the investors have change the schedule of the meeting dates it will be after 7 days only
Ram : okay have you inform Priya
Vikram : I've messaged her and one more thing don't come back until you have the meeting
Ram : okay you handle there, I'll deal this
Vikram : okay see you
Ram : bye , see ya
Vikram on the other side: baach gaya ....but why this workaholic men behaving normal with meeting getting postponed. Kuch toh garbar hain

Ram goes to Priya's room and knocks on the door, he knocks a couple of times and opens later
Priya : yes sir
Ram : have you done your dinner
Priya : no sir
Ram : come than
Priya : okay ..
Plucking her ear phones off & turning off the music from the I pod she comes out
Priya : sir you should have call or message me instead
Ram : um Priya , I've
Priya : ohh ... I'm really sorry I have put it on silent
Reaching to her pocket she realises she had kept her phone in charge , & silently curse herself
Reaching the hotel restaurant they order their dinner
Ram : will you have champagne or wine
Priya : no sir I'm find with juice
Ram : okay & Priya will have 7 days free before the meeting I hope Vikram has informed you
Priya : what ? Why all of a sudden
Ram: they got some company issues and we can't go back without completing the work here
Priya : so we have to extend the days here
Ram : yes
Priya: hmm
Ram : you got an off tomorrow & as I'll be busy
Priya: yes sir

Sometime later their order came  and they eat silently
Finishing their dinner both came out for a walk and chit chat about some office works and came to their own rooms

Ram : so ... here somwar your room , goodnight Priya
Priya (smiles) : goodnight sir
Ram came to his room and was admiring the night sky from the beautiful city of Seoul.
Priya coming to her room she was a bit confused with the Ram Kapoor behaviour (her boss) . Why is he not behaving like himself  how come he be like a gentlemen all of a sudden ....maybe because we two are only here this maybe the reason or else he will behave like a khadoos as always


Next morning ,
Ram was having his breakfast early in the morning and goes for his business with a tour guide. Priya was still in bed as she's off she order the authentic Korean breakfast and was enjoying watching the local channel on TV .
Not having much to do she finish off the book she was reading , and though of going out a bit as she was getting bored staying inside the room when she was in her fav city . With the help of a map she goes to a nearby restaurant and she had a hearty meal with kimbab  and tteokbokki ( red rice cake dish)  than she explore the nearby area and came to a convenient store to buy snacks & ice cream with some soda . She happily came back to the hotel with the bags .

Ram was looking at some beautiful areas in Seoul were less people come he was discussing something with the guide . Seeing at his wrist  the clock was ticking 4.00 and he had to go back now .
Coming back to the hotel he goes to freshen up and change  .
He msg Priya for dinner but as always she isn't responding so he goes to the door to her room and gently knocks but left unheard . He  dails her no. but was not picking up , he knocks again but no respond , he heard some soft sobs from inside . Ram having a bad feeling call Priya while knocking the door .
After 5mins while he was about to ask extra keys , she came out with red eyes and puffed , having runny nose and her voice a bit change maybe she cries for a long time but why?
Ram : Priya.......

To be continued

That's all for today lovely ppls

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