Extra - When Ram has woo his Priya again - 3 Last

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Just as Shruti goes away. Ram says Priya pls let's go .
Just as they were about to move Tanu comes in the scene with a flirtatious look at Ram.
Tanu - Oh Ram I was just waiting for your work to get over we need to go somewhere it's important.
Cursing his luck in his breathe Ram politely says - Tanu pls I'm not available and moreover I'm in a middle of a situation.
Nonetheless she was talking nonsense as usual and trying her best to convince him to come with her.
Ram - Miss Tanu till now I'm maintaining my cool cause we used to be batchmate now you are crossing the limits
Tanu - oh common Ram you promise a dinner with me

Ram mentally chiding what is this woman ! You force me for dinner and now you are doing the same. Just when he was a bout to retort back.....
Priya chuckles causing Tanu to look at her
Tanu- excuse me Miss whatever pls go we are in the middle of a talk and your boss is not free (keeping her left hand on Ram's arm)
Priya had too much since the last few days nonetheless maintains her cool she took a few steps forward and removed Tanu's hand from her man's arm. And says - You are disturbing us pls go ahead.
Tanu - What ????
Priya - You are after a man who's already taken so if you excuse us you are delaying our date.
Priya signals Ram to get in the car and she goes to her side to seat and and they drove from there living a horrified Tanu.

Ram was silently watching Priya's expression and mentally preparing himself. Priya was looking outside, small drops of rain is falling on the widow giving a blurry sight. The car came to a stop near Juhu beach and both keep starring out for a few mins with any words exchanged. Ram gently took Priya's hand in his and look at her , she seem kind of lost before but was a bit startled when he kept his hand on her. She straight ku looks into his eyes.

Ram - Priya..... I don't know where to start..... I just wanna tell you that I shouldn't have done such pranks to you or anyone else. It's stupid and childish, I should have understand the outcome. But but it was not my plan to suddenly come for the marriage proposals I didn't even know about it that my parents already knew it and suddenly announce that I'm getting married. My family may have act like that because I always runs from women and thought this was their last chance. And in the hit of the moment of the kok-jhoks in my house I thought of surprising you as well with a little prank and thought to mollify you which was apparently a huge fail strategy.
I know you are sensitive than many others and you tend to think a lot more and value relationships and always ready to give your all for it. You never want any appreciation or returns of favour from any of your relationship you cherish. You are one in a million Priya and I can't afford to loose you in my life. You may think you are not the "perfect" person but I'm my eyes you are more than perfect, I can live with for overthinking slash everything needs to be perfect attitude and I need you to grow old with you and have a perfect family of our own. Priya pls will you marry me.

Ram looks into her eyes all this time observing her changing emotions keeping his hand on her and massaging his thumb on her soft palms.
Priya was wanting to says something but she tries to calm her emotions first - can .... can I get a cup of .... Coffee...
Ram looks outside to see a cafe open in a little distance , it was still raining lightly, Ram says Priya to stay there still he gets the coffee and come. She just hums. After 10 mins has passed Ram came running with 2 cups of hot cappuccino and came inside the car, he pass one to Priya and kept his one in the coffee holder patiently waiting for Priya to speak. Priya takes a few sip of the hot beverage inhaling it's scent and clearing her voice.
Priya - Mr Kapoor pls look straight not on me while I'm speaking
Without contemplating much he abides her.
Priya continues - you know Mr Kapoor the reason I say yes to you was not because you are The Ram Kapoor or some famous person... Because you were the first person who make so much effort to make me feel special and fall for you. You don't flaunt yourself with ego nor as dominant  man whom half of the men I came across are. I may have reacted a little weird or childish sometimes because of my own internal mess of my past.
Ram turns to look at her
Priya points her finger to front - pls
He again turns to look straight controlling his urge
Priya - I have a problem of expressing myself and confine myself to my own little world, I sometimes don't know how to talk to people but you are the first person whom I feel free to speak out my mind, the first person whom I fight in the first meet, the first person whom I want to look good for.... And I can't be even upset with you long because of your this understanding nature and I know I'm just talking randomly but I just want to confess one thing. You are the best moment ever happen to me so I'll be honour to accept your proposal.

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