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It's been a couple of months since everything happened and it only a month until Jimmy and Maddie's wedding. Today Karl and I are going over to help them with finishing touches.

When we got to their house they told us what they needed help with, they just needed to finish making the center pieces.

"Where are you guys going for the honeymoon."-Karl

"We plan on going to Hawaii"- Maddie

"OOOoOo fancy"-Karl

We finished pretty quickly and headed home. We moved a couple houses down from Jimmy since we didn't really like staying in the old house anymore. We walked into the door and both fell on to the couch. I cuddled up to Karl and started to fall asleep.

"Hey y/n"-Karl

"Yes Karl"-you

"Would you ever want to get married?"-Karl

"I don't know, I never really thought about it, I mean maybe"-you



May 22nd

Today was the day of the wedding. Karl and I were getting ready. He wore a nice tux and I wore a nice pink dress that all the other bridesmaids were wearing.

We drove to the church where they were having the ceremony and went to help them get ready.

"Hey y/n are you and Karl ever going to get married"-Maddie

"Uh I don't know, he asked me about marriage lat night but i just thought it wan an in general question"-you

"If you guys don't get married I am protesting"-Maddie


The ceremony started in 5 minutes Jimmy was standing up at the altar and all the groomsmen and bridesmaids were standing up there. I kept looking at Karl . He looked so cute in his tux.

I heard the music start to play and saw the door open. Everyone stood up and watched Maddie walk down the aisle. I looked at Jimmy to see his reaction and saw him crying a little.

The rest of the ceremony went well. They both said yes and then we headed to the hall where the party was at. Everyone from work was there and all of their families were there. It was pretty packed.

Karl and I danced to almost every song and only stopped to eat some cake. It was definitely the most fun I have in months. It was weird when I started thinking of all my memories with Karl, it was like a slide show but in my head.

I remember when we first met and the car ride to the fair when we made eye contact for a long time. When he stood up to Bryce for me and we didn't even really even know each other , and how i felt safe around him,

I remember some of the bad things too, the little fights we would get into about small stuff. I also can't forget all that happened with Ashley.

It was almost 3 in the morning when we got back home. Before I could even unbuckle my seat belt Karl told me to stay in the car for a second. I saw him run into the house, He had a lot of energy left for it being 3 in the morning, I was tired either though.

I got a text that said it was okay for me to come in. I walked into the house and didn't see Karl. I saw a piece of paper that said follow the roses with a smiley face on it. I looked down and saw a bunch of rose petals on the floor.

I followed the little path he made me and saw another paper on the floor. I picked it up and read it out loud since I knew Karl was in the room right next to me.

"Y/n we have been dating for a while now, I feel like you know me more than I know myself. I love all the memories we have together and I wonder how lucky I was to get someone as good as you. I remember the first time I saw you and I instantly knew that you were perfect, and although we had some eventful things happen to us, every day with you was the best day of my life. I love you so much.



After I read that I was pretty sure I knew what was about to happen. I started crying a little bit but no to much. I kept asking myself if he was really going to propose to me.

"Come in the room"-Karl

I opened the door and saw Karl standing there with flowers in his hand. He handed them to me then backed u just a little and I saw hi start to get down on his knee and pull a small box out of his pocket

"Yes yes!"- You

"I didn't even say anything yet"- Karl

"Fine say what you need to say"- you

"Y/n will you marry me?"-Karl


He got up and hugged me . I gave him a kiss.

A/n- sorry i haven't updated in like i week i have been lazy and also studying for exams. Also this is going to be like 2 more chapters and I am thinking of maybe writing another one but like better but maybe idk.

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