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Tw: mention of abuse

Today was the last day at my job. I quit because I wasn't getting the recognition i wanted to get. I was an editor i would edit videos and pictures for a company but they never gave me any credit so i quit. I didn't have another job prepared so i don't know what I'm supposed to do. I walked into the building and went to my desk. I started packing up and taking the boxes to my car.


After the long day at work I drove back home to my apartment and started to unload all my boxes of stuff. Once i got to the 4th floor i saw a note on my door I was being evicted. I now had no job and no place to live and i only knew one person i could call. I had to call Bryce my ex. He wasn't that great of a person . He wouldn't let me talk to other guys he would hit me when he got mad and would break stuff and it was hard to get him away from me and now i have to go to him for a place to live.

He let me stay at his house on one condition i had to get back together with him. I had no choice but to get with him. I was desperate for a place to live and i had no job i needed him.


"You wouldn't be anywhere if it weren't for me"

"I told we I dont care we are over"

"You are going to regret this"

He picked up my glass table and threw it at the wall. That day was the day i got the worst bruises from him

I hesitantly knocked on his door to let me in. He opened the door to let me in. Even though i knew how toxic he was, he was a charming person and was sometimes a great listener and would take me out on wonderful dates.

" Hey babe "

"Hey, so is there a guest room i should put my stuff in"

"Don't be silly you will sleep in my room with me, like the good old times"

" Oh okay"

I put my stuff down in his room and knew this was going to be a horrible part of my life. I went to sit on the couch and Bryce left for work. I scrolled through twitter and saw that Mr Beast was looking for a new editor. I clicked the link to send my resume and i hoped that this would be my way out. It was around 10pm and i got an email. It was from Mr Beast he said that he wants me to come down to see if i would connect with the rest of the crew. It said he wants to make sure everyone gets along. I knew it was going to be hard to get there because if Bryce found out i was getting a job i knew he would hit me. After thinking of a plan I passed out on the couch.

Karl Jacobs x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now