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"What the think who would do this?"-Karl

"How much you wanna bet that is was Ashley"-You

"We should call the cops"-Karl

"Yeah, while you call them i'm gonna pack some stuff i think we should stay at like a hotel or something cause it clearly isn't safe here"-you

"Thats good a idea"-karl

While Karl was on the phone I got a couple of duffel bags and started to pack out stuff. I dont know what is going to happen with this whole Ashley situation but i hope it ends with that bitch in jail.

I packed us both at least a weeks worth of cloths. I didnt know how long we were going to stay at the hotel but i wanted to stay there for at least a week just to be safe.

Once Karl got off the phone i gave him his bag and we got into the car.

"What did the police say"-You

"They said they cant do much without proof that it was her but they can 'keep an eye out' for her, i dont know what thats going to do but i want her in jail."-Karl

'I think we should stay at the hotel for at least a week and if it comes to it we should move"-you

"Agreed, what hotel are we staying at'-Karl

"[Hotel name], its not the best but its not the worst and it is close to where we film"-You


Karl typed in the address on his phone and found the directions. When he started driving I felt this feeling of guilt rush to me. If I could just stop being a baby about not getting credit at my old job this wouldn't be happening to Karl. If I just stayed at Bryce's house and been grateful and not complained this wouldn't have happened to Karl. If i didn't catch feelings this would be happening. Am I the problem?

We pulled into the Hotel and I snapped out of my thoughts. We got out of the car and got our stuff out as well. After Karl checked us in and got the room key we headed up to our room. It was pretty late so we decided to go straight to sleep.

Before we could fall asleep we searched the room to make sure no one was in there. We locked the extra lock on the door. We also moved a small desk in front of the door just to make sure no one can get in.

We laid down in the bed and tried to sleep. I assumed Karl was sleeping peacefully but he wouldn't stop tossing and turning, neither would I.

"You seemed to be in a deep thought in the car"-Karl

"Yeah I was thinking about some stuff, you know your ex girlfriend who is crazy and would kill me if she has to and how this is all my fault"-you

"Why is it your fault she is the one who is crazy"-Karl

"If I wasn't such a big baby and just dealt with my old job I wouldn't of have to work at Mr.Beast and then you wouldn't have meant me, meaning Ashley wouldn't know about me and wouldn't care about you and if I just stayed at Bryce's and dealt with him I wouldn't have to move in with you and i wouldn't have caught feelings.

"This is not at all your fault you had the right to be upset at your old job you wanted credit and everyone should get the credit they deserve and I'm glad you left Bryce he is not the best guy he was rude to you and didnt care for you and if i never met you I wouldn't know where i would be i am happy you are in my life even with all this drama with Ashley I am glad its with you and not some other girl. I love you y/n"-Karl



"I love you too Karl"-you

He moved a little closer to me and gave and at this moment even though we are hiding from a creepy stalker girl I have never felt more safe. We both fell asleep hugging and for just a moment I forgot everything.


Ashley POV

Part one of my plan was finished. I got them out of the house. I just wish I could have saw the look on their faces when they read the letter. For part two I needed to do t=some research.

I waited outside their house until I saw them leave. They had some bags with them meaning I had even more time in the house.

I got inside and went to Karl streaming room. I went on to his PC and after a couple of attempts I guessed his password and got in. I dug around for some kind of dirt on Karl or y/n.

After about 5 minutes I found the perfect thing to use. I knew what to do next to make sure that y/n would be out of karl's life forever. I walked out of the house when I saw a cop car pull up.


I was going to have to think of something good to get out of this. I walked out of the front door and went up to the cop.

"Thank God you are here I am so worried"-Ashley

"Yeah yeah where is your boyfriend so i can get the story"-Cop

"He is gone Ashley took him somewhere, I just want to hold him at least one more time I don't know what i would do without him please help me"-Ashley

"Okay, let's go down to the station and file a report and then we will look around for your boyfriend"-Cop

The cop went into his car and I followed him to the station. I went into his office and fed the report. I made sure to let him know that my name is y/n.

I walked out of the station feeling confident and got back into the car. That wasn't part of my original plan but it made my life easier and a better way to make sure he is gone and there's no chance she can stay with Karl, whether it ends up with her in jail or her dead. Either way it is a win for me. I pulled up to exactly where I needed to be. I got out of my car and knocked on the door. I stood there for about a minute when the door opened.

"Hey Bryce"


a/n-Sorry this chapter was a little rushed but all the chapters are, i think that this one came out pretty well and im kinda proud of it. I didn't think this many people would have read the story so thank you so much.

Also if you want you could follow my Instagram, I need new friends lmao


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