"Just my bodyguard???", Hajin looks at Yeong in disbelief. "We've kissed!"

"You said you can kiss anyone...even if you're not dating...", Yeong shrugs.

"But...", she curses herself for saying that. "I thought you said you like me..."

"I do...", a little bit too much somehow.

"So...you're my boyfriend, right?", Hajin looks at Yeong hopefully.

"I can be your bodyguard and your boyfriend at tge same time..."

Hajin pretends to think. "How about you're my bodyguard fro. 8 am to 9 pm...and you're my boyfriend for the rest..."

Yeong chuckles. "We can try that..."


"Now, explain to me why Hakyung said that it's my fault that you drank too much coffee?", Yeong's expression turns serious.

"Hakyung was just joking...", Hajin laughs awkwardly.

"Okay...", Yeong gets up.

"Where are going you going?", Hajin grabs Yeong's hand.

"Home...", Yeong says nonchalantly.

"Why??", Hajin looks at him disappointed. Hoping that Yeong will stay a little bit longer.

"The answer you gave me...was an answer for a bodyguard...as a bodyguard my job here is done..."

"Okay fine...I'll tell you the truth...", Hajin pouts and pulls Yeong's hand. "Now come back here..."

Yeong sits back in her bed. "So...why Hakyung said that it was my fault?"

"Because of you, I drank too much coffee..."


"I didn't want to fall asleep...and made you feel obligated to pick me up...", she says solemnly. Remembering those past few days.

"What?", Yeong looks at Hajin. Really amused with her reason. "I didn't feel obligated to pick you up...I could call Hakyung and ask her to wake you up...but I didn't...", what is it with this girl that makes him become so cheesy. "I picked you up...because I wanted it too...so don't drink coffee anymore, just sleep if you're sleepy...I'll pick you up happily..."

"You really like me, don't you?", Hajin giggles.

Yeong rolls his eyes. "Now go to sleep...you need a rest..."

"Wait...", Hajin remembers she wanted to ask something.

"What is it? Does it hurt again?", Yeong asks worriedly.

Hajin shakes her head. "Just wanted to ask...what did you see? Or who? Why were you suddenly running?"

"Oh...", Yeong is trying to find the best way to explain this without making her scared. "I just saw someone suspicious...watching us..."

"Really? Sometimes I feel like someone was following me...but I thought maybe it's just paparazzi...", Hajin shrugs it off.

"What?", how could she say that so casually. "Since when did you feel someone was following you..."

"I forget...it was a long time ago..."

"You should tell me if you feel someone following you again..."

"I have a super cool bodyguard...I don't think anyone would dare to follow me...", Hajin looks at Yeong proudly.

Yeong smiles, hiding how worried he actually is. Someone was definitely stalking her all this time. He needs to find out about it soon. "Is there any more question?"

Hajin nods. "Would stay here a little bit longer?"

Yeong looks at their intertwined hands. Hajin hasn't let go of his hand. "Okay...but you need to rest..."

Hajin lays down obediently. "Yeong ah...", she's mumbling his name.


"Thank you..."

"What for?"

"I don't know...", Hajin is staring at Yeong and smiles. "I am just...so grateful that I met you..."

Yeong is stunned. He feels her words tugged something in his heart. He smiles involuntarily. "Don't talk nonsense....go to sleep...", he starts stroking Hajin's hair.


It's two in the morning. Yeong has been staying in the car in front of Hajin's home for almost two hours. After Hajin fell asleep, he excused himself home. But instead of going home, Yeong was checking around Hajin's neighborhood. Trying to find that suspicious man. He knew it's almost impossible for that man to lurk around after Yeong almost caught him. But he's trying anyway. Who knows maybe he'll get some clue.

But after almost two hours and nothing suspicious happened. And Yeong is sure that Hajin is safe, he finally headed home.


Hajin yawns. It's 11 am. She almost slept through the day. Hakyung woke her up at 8 am for breakfast and remind her to drink her medicine. And after that Hajin went back to sleep. "Flower?", Hajin notices a bouquet of red roses on the couch. "Hakyung aaah!", she wanted to ask Hakyung who sent the flower. Then remember Hakyung said she has a meeting with a producer or something at 9.

Maybe Hakyung puts it there before she left. Hajin gets up and checks the card in the bouquet. Wondering who sent it.

Get well soon my love ❤

Yeong? Did he send her this? Hajin grins and searches for her phone. She hurriedly dials his number. Yeong picks up the phone in the first ring.

"Yeong ah..."

"How are you doing? How is your pain?"

Hajin chuckles. "I am fine...no pain..."

"Good...have you eat?"

"Breakfast? Yes...lunch...not yet...Yeong ah..."


"Thank you for the flower..."

"Flower? What flower?"

"This rose bouquet..."

"What are you talking about?"

Hajin frowns. "So this flower isn't from you?"

"Okay, Hajin ah...tell me what is happening...", Yeong starts to worry.

"I woke up...and found a bouquet of red roses in my room...the card says get well soon my love, there's no sender name...so I thought it was you...", Hajin pouts.

"Where's Hakyung?"

"She's out...I am alone..."

"Damn it!", Yeong curses. "Lock your bedroom now. I'll be there in a few minutes. Don't hang up the phone."

"Why?", Hajin confused.

"Please just do it...", Yeong begs. "And keep talking to me, okay?"


Ps: I miss Gayoung and Dohwan so baaaaad. Writing this, is how I cope with how much I miss them. Because I can see them interact in my head with this story. I hope when you read this, you can really play this scene in your head. 😳😳😳 by the way I started to bring in the stalker, still not sure how it will play out. This is the first time I wrote something a little bit thrilling....so I hope it doesn't turn out weird. Please leave a comment and let me know how you think? Thank you for reading.

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