Chapter 1

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Emerald gasps, like she's surprise she was picked. She did something I did not all expect- she danced her way up on to the stage. Like this is what she's been waiting for her whole life, not me. The world swirled around like I was being flushed down a toilet. Everything is happening from last year. Except Emerald was me.

And I was Glitter the moment I called out, "I volunteer as tribute." The world stops shaking. I'm in my happy place.

As I walk on the stage, Emerald gives me a dirty look. Serves you right, I think to myself.

"Well, what's your name?" Micka Stanfree asks in her ridiculous Capitol accent.

"Glimmer Sparklewits," I smile confidently. I want the cameras to know I'm completely ready for the killing.

"Oh, you're the sister of Glitter Sparklewits!" Micka chuckles. My face turns red hot. Does everybody only care about my annoying sister?

"Yeah. And I'm going to be a victor, too." My district turns silent. I'm worried they're about to errupt in laughter. Like they don't believe I'll ever live up to Glitter. I feel like... crying. But then, all in one moment, they start cheering. Cheering for me. And me only.

"Glimmer! Glimmer! Glimmer!" they shout.  My self-esteem was no longer hurt. This was going to be the best Hunger Games yet!

"Alright, alright!" Micka tries to yell over the crowd. Eventually, the cheering dies down. Micka is ready to pick the boy tribute.

She shoves her hand into the other glass ball. "Marvel Sewstream!"

"YEAH! WHOO!" Marvel yells like an animal. He beats on his chest, as if he's an ape that's just won a lifetime supply of bananas.

"You seem excited," Micka says rhetorically. He replies by beating his chest again. The crowd goes nuts.

"The tributes of District 1!" Micka yells, shoving us through the doorway at the back of the stage. I take one last glimpse of my district before they send me away. The buildings have a sparkle to them. Everyone is wearing some type of jewelry, even the boys and men. Our district is the prettiest district. I probably won't see it again for a very long time.

"So, you two seem like an excellent pair of tributes," Micka smiles. "If you're anything like your sister, you're no doubt a winner," she whispers to me and winks. Oh, God.

At the small room where we get to see our families- most of us for the last time- my mom, dad, and sister are one of the only ones to visit.

"I just know you'll do great, baby!" Mom gushes. "You and Glitter are stars!" Glitter rolls her eyes. She's always thought she was the best.

"We love you," Dad assures me. Glitter whispers something into my parents' ears and they leave, waving to me as they go.

We're both silent. All the years of high tension between us have to end.

"You probably think you're going to win," she snarles.

"Yeah, why not?" I shoot back. "You know I'm great with a bow. And a knife. And a sword."

She says nothing. I stand there, silently fuming. That priss will think she's best no matter what. I can't wait for her to leave.

"Just try to win," she finally mutters. "I know it will be hard. Don't get so relieved when I'm gone. Remeber, I'll be with you."

"Yeah, yeah, in your spirit," I mock.

"No. I'll be there with you. Remember? I'm a victor. I'm a mentor."

Oh, shoot. She's right.

I'll never get a break from my know-it-all sister.

A Different Side- Glimmer (Hunger Games)Where stories live. Discover now