Chapter 12

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I'm so sorry it took me like a month to make this chapter! I've been really busy... please don't unfollow, I'll try my best to find time to write them. Also, can everyone do me a favor and follow saltzie_xx? She used to be TheSaltz10 but had to change her account. Thanks so much and enjoy!


I sit on a metal bench outside the private training arena. My fellow tributes ar we lined up behind me: Cato, Clove, the boy from District 3, the girl from District 3, etc. Though I notice Cato's presence, I don't speak to him about the alliance. The other tributes will hear, and what will they do with that information?

Marvel is already inside. He's the first to show the Gamemakers his skills, so they can rank him 1-12. I'm next and very glad to be able to show my talents.

Marvel exits with a sloppy grin on his face. Glimmer Sparklewits, District 1, an automatic voice calls. Smirking, I get up and strut into the arena.

The Gamemakers are seated at a platform above, enjoying some sort of feast. I sashay to the middle of the room, stop, and pivot in their direction.

"Glimmer Sparklewits, District One," I yell with a tiny hint of attitude in my voice. Their conversation and laughter stop as they turn their heads to me.

"Ah, Sparklewits. Glitter's sister, right?" one of them calls back. I nod.

"Show us whacha got," another responds.

I scan the arena for the bow and walk over to it. There are six arrows laying atop a rack next to it, and dummies straight across. I take an arrow and it shoots directly through a chest.

Slight clapping. I turn up the heat- in seconds there are more arrows piercing artificial hearts. More clapping. I shoot my last two at the same time; both land in the head of another.

"Thank you," I smirk, releasing the bow. I flip my hair back and walk away, one hand on my hip.

When I'm finished, I step out of the room. Marvel isn't sitting on the bench- he must have went to his room. I hear Cato's name called behind me as I strut past to lifeless faces of the weak tributes. Katniss glances up at me, and I scowl. She turns away.

I ride the elevator up to my room. Glitter is waiting for me.

"Hey," she says. I slightly wave.

"So, what did you do?"

"Shot arrows, duh."

"No, you idiot. Did you do anything special? Anything to make yourself stand out?"

"I shot them all in the vital areas, and then two at a time. Did I really have to do that much?" I ask in annoyance.

She rolls her eyes. "You better make a good impression on the Caeser Flickerman show," she snaps. "If you don't get a high ranking..."

"Glitter, relax. I'll do fine."

"Hey, girls!" a raspy-ish voice calls from the door. It's Poinsettia.

I smile at her. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to watch the rankings, of course. We'll see how you did! I bet you were just fabulous." I smirk again.

Marvel enters, along with his stylist. "Micka says it's tradition to watch rankings in the girl's room," he complains. "It's so stupid."

"Tradition's never stupid!" Micka argues. Today's outfit is an aqua blue wig and silver eyelashes.

We turn on my television, where the show is starting. Ceaser Flickerman holds notecards and begins by saying how 'interesting' the crowd is this year.

"Marvel Sewstream- Eight."

Marvel is enraged. He starts yelling that he totally derserved at least a nine, and Micka has to try to calm him down.

"Glimmer Sparklewits- Nine."

This makes Marvel just a bit more angry- not that I'm happy. Nine is nothing special, nothing that makes sponsors say 'she's a winner'. But we keep watching to see what the others get.

Cato and Clove's scores are about the same. The other tributes' are pretty low- some even score three's. We wait for Katniss and Peeta's.

"Peeta Mellark- Eight." Marvel rolls his eyes.

"Katniss Everdeen-" his face shows a hint of surprise- "Eleven."

"What?" we practically shout at the same time.

"How is that possible?"

"What could she have done to get an eleven?"

"I don't believe this!"

Marvel takes a pillow and chucks it across the room, then storms out. I wish I could do the same.

But it left me thinking... what is her skill?

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