Author's Note

486 11 4

Hey, it's me!!!!!!!!

Sorry this is not a chapter, if you were expecting one.

No, this is just an author's note, broadcasted to my beautiful readers by moi (the author).

I just wanna say THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't think I'd get over 10 reads. So 258?! I know that's not a lot but it's still pretty good for a first-time writer!!!!!!!!!!

I'm having some writer's block at the moment and school is kicking my ass (if you've ever written a literary annalysis, you feel my pain) so I'm just saying this story is on hold. But don't worry, not for long!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Also, might be starting a new story soon. I'm not sure what I'm going to call it yet. But check it out :)

Last but not least, I want to give a shout out to these AMAZING people on Wattpad:







If I missed somebody, or you want a shout out and didn't get one already, message me! Thanks y'all! Remember to vote, comment, and read read READ!

PS GO 1D!!!!!!!


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