Chapter 4

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When I wake, it's at least 1:00 PM. The digital clock prooves me right- it's almost 2 by now. As I look in the mirror on the lefthand side of my bed, I see my hair's a mess, sticking up in all possible directions. I smooth my head down with my hands, which calms my wild hair. All the Reapings must be over by now.

The door thankfully opens automatically from the inside. As I retrace my steps back to the dining car, I try to smooth my dress out and at least look presentable.

The victors are sober when I reenter. Micka has also returned, and Marvel is staring at the television mounted on the wall.

"Glimmer! Good to see you. Marvel says he wants to watch the other Reapings with you. Isn't that exciting?" she beams. But I can tell she doesn't give a crap about what happens to us. At least she tries to be nice.

Marvel is silent as Micka turns on the tv. I rewatch the Reapings from 1 through 5. I put my judgemental mode on for 6. Short, scrawny, weak... they're all the same. But the little girl from 11 catches my attention.

Her name is Rue, and she looks like she can't be more than 12, just like the boy from 4. She's just under 5 foot, by how she looks.

But the male tribute is just the opposite. He's huge. Probably bigger than both Marvel and Cato. I wouldn't want to mess with him in the arena. I decide I'll take him out when I get a chance.

I notice that every tribute is thin. Hungry. Since District 1 is one of the wealthier districts, I wouldn't know what it would be like to be that scrawny. I start to wonder what life in the other districts are like...

Last is District 12, the poorest district. They produce coal for the Capitol, and only have two victors in the Hunger Games. I hear one of them died a while ago.

Effie Trinket calls the girl's name, which is Primrose. She's weaker than any of the other tributes, and looks about 12. I think about three 12-year-olds creating an alliance, which makes me giggle. But then a screaming teenager volunteers for "Prim".

If I know anything about districts 3-12, it's that they rarely volunteer for each other. I don't think anyone's ever volunteered in District 12 before.

The girl is a bit more fed than Primrose, but she's still underweight. Apparently, her name is Katniss, and that girl Primrose is her sister. I start to worry about sponsors, because it's pretty brave of her to volunteer like that.

The boy is pretty cute. His name is Peeta, like the bread, I guess. He's stocky, no doubt about it, and pretty muscular for someone from 12. I try to decide if I should kill him or make him and ally.

My thoughts are interrupted by the smell of bacon. We have it sometimes at home. The crispiness of it is just delicious.

"Lunch," Micka smiles. I try to search for the bacon, which I find is hidden between bread, lettuce and tomato. I've heard of these things before, I think they're called BLT's.

"I ordered them for you. We can't have the buffet anymore after... the incident," Micka informs me. I look over to Marvel for more info, but he shakes his head like I don't want to know.

There's practically an explosion in my mouth when I bite into the sandwich. The bacon tastes nothing like it does in the districts. It's smokier, and crispier, and tastes just overall... better. Like I said, the Capitol never fails to amaze me.

"We should be arriving at the Capitol in about... ten hours," Micka announces, looking at her neon-colored watch. "Nine if we don't need to stop for fuel again."

I wonder how far away the Capitol actually is. Glitter had said it takes about 24 hours... Glitter!

"Wait! What about our mentors?" I ask, looking behind me. Twenty seven victors stare back.

"We never planned any strategies," I tell them.

"We have ten hours," Glitter says, rolling her eyes. "I think that's enough time."

"Besides, we've been training, right? I've seen you at the archery station before," Marvel tells me. It's the first thing he's said to me all day.

"Yeah," I mutter. I've seen him at the training stations, too. He throws spears. And he's good at it.

I go back to eating, savoring every bite of BLT I can get. I think about the other tributes. Clove, Cato, Rue, Thresh, Katniss, Peeta... who was the girl from 5? I know her face, not her name... she sort of looked like a fox, especially with her red hair. I decide to call her Foxface.

And there's still Marvel, who's sitting right next to me. It upsets me that I might come out from the arena and he won't be there... that no other tribute will be there...

The BLT was fabulous, so I ask for another.

"Oh no, you don't want to over eat! How about a half instead?" Micka asks. Anything will do.

I take small nibbles of my half BLT. Eight hours until we reach the Capitol. Time goes by quickly.

"Now can we discuss strategy?" I beg like a child.

"Fine," Glitter says, obviously annoyed. She stands up and sits on the other side of me; Marvel was already on one side.

"Rule number one: kill, kill, kill. I know you can use a knife. But you can't throw it. You're best with a bow, but they're isn't always one there. When you see one, grab it. Let no one else have it." I nod.

"Rule number two: find water. There should be some in the Cornucopia, but you can never be sure. Without it, you'll die in days."

I'm eating this up. Of course, I know this stuff, but I just need to be sure. I'm waiting for rule three when Marvel asks, "Will they have spears?"

Glitter bats her eyelashes and smiles. "Of course," she giggles. That girl is boy-crazy. Marvel doesn't seem too amuzed.

"Okay," he says turning around. I feel like he wants to ask more, and apparently he does, because he just asks another victor some questions.

"Rule number three: look gorgeous. You get sponsors by being pretty. That shouldn't be too hard for you, especially since you look like me." I roll my eyes.

"Rule four: find food. This isn't too hard. The gamemakers always have food in the Cornucopia.

"Rule five: always keep one eye open. You never know who's going to turn on you."

I nod. I never thought about that... my allies turning on me. I feel stupid for not seeing that, after all, only one of us can survive.

"That's all. Oh, and never eat nightlock berries. If you do, you'll die in seconds."

That I didn't know. They don't exactly teach us about these things at training.

"What do they look like?" I ask.

"They're purple-black, small, and round. They're almost the color of blood."

"Thank you," I say. Glitter looks surprised. Then smiles at me. Smiles. She's never done that before. My thoughts about her suddenly change. She actually is trying to help me.

"Glitter," I say. She looks at me. "I'm going to win. For you."

Glitter reaches in for our first-ever sisterly hug.

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