Chapter 34

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One more letter. The thought brought hope to everyone.  

Everything would go back to normal. Though Macey had no idea what normal would be like at the mansion, there were certainties she could rely on, six, to be exact. Her son Jared has the power of Taber's blood. There's no telling what lies ahead or what other abilities he may inherit. But she was sure she'd be there for him as he for her. Macey looked forward to watching him and Brenda grow and remain friends in their adult lives like she and Roxanna.

Roxanna was her best friend turned enemy in high school. Youthful days are turbulent at times, and when the hormones are raging, it intensifies. In hindsight, Macey has come to terms with the past. Roxanna is her best friend. She's shown that by standing by her, what sealed it was when she alerted her to Principal Tillinghast. Roxanna saved her son from the evil principal. Macey knows now Evalena designed everything that has happened, including separating her from Roxanna.  

David's loyalty surprised Macey, as did her feelings for him, though she had no idea which part of the illusions was fact or fiction. There were parts where David was romantic. It was he who said he'd be camping with her if she'd have him. Macey will welcome him into her life once they conquer Evalena. 

Eddie, aka, the beast will move into the mansion. His ancestors will have their death dates painted on the tree, no longer banished from his home and family. Macey was sure he and Roxanna would be together. Who else but Roxanna would be attracted to a beast. She always did go for the bad boys. Eddie is the epic bad boy. 

Sarah will haunt the halls of the mansion forever, and they'll all join her one day. For now, she's their best security. Sarah will watch them day and night. She created the beast to battle Evalena. A curse for a curse. Turning a banished blood relative to an animal was extreme. Something tells Macey it wouldn't work on anyone but a blood relative. It had to be Eddie's grandfather, and it passed onto Eddie as it will pass onto his children. 

All of this, of course, relies on the next few moments of the battle. Evalena struck David, slinging him across the room.  He crashed next to the tree and Brenda but got back on his feet. The determination on his face empowered Macey to strike back at Evalena. She bashed her head so hard Evalena faded away and returned as flesh, snarling. Her teeth were beginning to rot, her hair a stringy mess. Roxanna shoved the table leg into her gut. If Evalena had a breath, she would have lost it then; instead, her torso stretched a good three feet in the other direction. When it snapped back into place, Evalena's face grew two times larger. She stretched her mouth wider than Roxanna's head, hovering over her. 

Macey screamed, "Roxanna, move!" 

Roxanna dived out of danger, and a split second later, the beast sunk its teeth into Evalena's neck. Evalena's body thrashed from side to side as the creature whipped its head back and forth. Its teeth, like fangs, poked out of the other side of the witch's neck. Evalena screamed and flailed her arms, trying to break free of the beast's fangs. Then, in an abrupt move, Evalena broke free. The beast wept in pain and crouched to the floor. 

"Eddie!" Roxanna said.

David grabbed Roxanna and pulled her to safety. "He'll be ok," he said though he had his doubts. Eddie appeared near death as blood gushed from his torso. The witch punctured a large wound through his body, a fatal injury for most people. 

Macey and Sarah locked eyes. It was the moment of truth. Good shall win over evil, and it was up to the living and the dead to fight the good fight. 

Sarah's once beautiful face changed into a horrifying sight. Macey's didn't fare much better. Her eyes were as wild as the beast. She opened her mouth and let out a scream that sent piercing pain to Roxanna and David's ears. In unison, Macey and Sarah attacked. Roxanna and David watched in sheer panic as Sarah's mouth dripped the black muck from ripping into Evalena's body. The sight of Macey was even more frightening. She gouged Evalena's eyes and tore at her throat. She screamed, "Die, witch!" No fear. 

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