Chapter 15

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Macey having enough of the tree lurker laid her envelope on the step and marched over to the edge of the woods. This particular part of the property was acres deep facing north with eighties-style houses on the other side. Whoever the intruder is, he must reside in that neighborhood. Macey knew there were no trespassing signs posted at the edge of the woods. She stomped ahead, determined to confront the intruder. But she paused at the sight of what felt like endless woods looking darker and riskier than from the mansion. 

Go on, Macey

He could be hiding behind a tree. 

Go, tell him to stay off the property. 

He'd have a weapon, maybe a knife or one of those electronic guns, and she'd be kidnapped and held for ransom or murdered. 

If you go in there, you may never return. 

Visibility was scant despite the otherwise beautiful sun-filled day, and Macey could not see a few feet of distance. It wasn't enough space to react if anyone should lunge at her. Something moved at a quick pace to her right, perhaps a squirrel or bird. She couldn't know for sure. Whatever it was, it gave her goosebumps on both arms and her neck. Not the fun kind of goosebumps either, like when you meet a mysterious, attractive guy. These were a warning that something malice was close in a thousand little bumps. Macey rubbed her arms and heeded every one of those signals. She took four steps back, listening to her instinct of danger before sprinting toward the mansion. Convinced whoever was in the woods had a wild side. She didn't know where those thoughts came from, and she could be psyching herself out. As she ran toward the mansion, she felt as though a wild beast trailed behind her, ready to attack. 

Macey's knees had a slight wobble to them, and she feared they'd fail to hold her weight. But, she saw Daniel on the patio, and the sight of him was as welcome as running home to mom and dad. Daniel had that stone face expression, but it no longer got under her skin. She ran up to him, "Hi, Daniel," she said, bending over to catch her breath. 

"Ma'am, you have a package," Daniel said, handing her the envelope she had left on the front step.

"Thank you," she said. Then, finally, the barrier between them had lifted. Macey, having more trust in Daniel, said, "There was a man by the woods again." 

Daniel glanced over to the trees. "Shall I call the police?"

"Whoever he is, he's gone, or at least I didn't see him there." Macey thought it best not to share that she felt like a wild animal or, worse, was about to eat her alive. "Daniel, we don't have security cameras."

"No, ma'am. Mr. Taber didn't care much for new technology. However, I shall look into options and report back to you."

"Yes, that would be great. The faster, the better. It isn't the first time I've seen someone by the trees."

"Perhaps, young Jared is ready for a pet," Daniel said, raising his eyebrows, an expression Macey has never seen. "Say, German Shepherd?" 

Macey hadn't thought about guard dogs. "Good choice. They are loyal and gentle with kids. I'll start looking for a couple," she said, spying a little spark in Daniel's eye. He's welcoming change. That's progress. "Also, I'd like to make the home office my own space."

"I will have all Mr. Taber's things stored in the attic," Daniel said without hesitation. He sounded eager. Being on good terms with Daniel felt so much better than feeling like she wanted to punch him in the face.

Macey walked into her new home office and opened the curtains. The window faced the woods, and Macey wondered if trespassers watched Elijah from a distance through the same window. Perhaps Edward Taber had been one of them, but impossible since Edward died long ago. Edward Taber stalked Elijah's grandfather, Joseph, but he is also deceased. So that left Macey with ghosts as her culprit spying from the tree line. 

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