Chapter 11

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Sarah Taber's journal was upstairs in Macey's bedroom on the nightstand. She had every intention of retrieving it as soon as she peeled herself away from Sarah's portrait. Sarah had long dark brown hair and brown eyes. She was beautiful, but that wasn't what was stunning about the image. What was astonishing was that she had her journal in her lap. Macey read the date of the painting, 1912. One year before Sarah's passing. How the journal remained at the mansion all those years was incredible, a conversation starter that would intrigue most anyone. That Sarah Taber got her picture taken an hour ago is terrorizing and a conversation she'd avoid if she wanted any friends at all.  Macey has heard of ghosts caught in photos before. She assumed it was from the past rather than the current day. Meaning the spirits aren't there, and the camera captured past images from the chemical reaction inside the camera. She let out a breath realizing she makes no sense, of course. But neither does Sarah Taber standing in the third-floor window make any sense. She'd study the phenomenon later. Right now, she wants to know what Sarah wrote in her journal. 

Jared and his new friend Joey burst through the front door. "Mom, I'm going to show Joey my room."

"Ok, I'm going upstairs too."

Jared stopped and glared at her. 

"To my room to get that journal we found yesterday," she said, laughing. Jared was determined to be independent. He didn't want to be embarrassed in front of a friend. 

"It's not up there, Mom."

"What do you mean? I thought we left it there last night."

"Yeah, but Daniel took it." 

Why would Daniel take the journal? Macey suspected foul play. It was something she'd have to work on because Daniel could have good reason to take the journal. Not. "Oh, alright. I'll go ask Daniel then," she said, waving them up the stairs. "Go on, have fun."

The boys rushed up the stairs laughing and talking about action figures and the movies each played in, "Kids stuff," Macey whispered. Now, where's Daniel? She walked toward the kitchen, eyeing the top of the stairs to assure the boys wouldn't see or hear anything unpleasant. Macey couldn't control her anger, "Where is it," she demanded. Her head felt like it was on fire. How could she be that mad and impatient? "Well?" she said with arms across her chest, face burning red. A part of her felt like a child pouting over a personal journal. Was she childish? 

Ease up, Macey. It's just a journal.

"I apologize, ma'am. What are you seeking?" Daniel couldn't even fake a concerned expression. That pissed Macey off more.

"Sarah Taber's journal! Where is it?" 

"Mrs. Taber, I assure you it is safe."

Macey slowed her speech, "Where. Is. The. Journal?" She gritted her teeth behind her puckered lips, ready to attack Daniel at one wrong word.  The other servants, Theresa and Caroline, left the room. Macey didn't blame them for not wanting any part in the matter. She'd run too if she were in their position. 

Daniel folded a hand towel and placed it on the countertop. "Very well then, if you will accompany me, I will show you."  He escorted her to the library. The way she trailed behind Daniel made her feel more like a prisoner following Warden Daniel than being the warden herself.  He walked without a bounce as if gliding across the floor. Back straight, shoes shined, and his slacks were at least fifty years old. His impassive personality was getting on Macey's last nerve. He is not the boss of this house, and she'd have to make him understand she will be running the mansion. In the library, she darted her eyes between Daniel retrieving the journal from the glass-covered bookcase and the hand-painted family tree. The tree she'll from now on call the sleepwalking attraction. Also known as the branch whipping monster, master of light. Geeze, Macey, paint over it, the problem-solving solution.

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