Chapter 19

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Macey felt more rested than possible after she stayed up half the morning with Daniel. The other half of the night, she searched for answers in the journals. Macey laid both journals on her nightstand after little progress that would help her understand her nightmares and sleepwalking. She needed to get ready and take Jared to school then meet Brian for the before photos of the mansion. After another night of scares, she again considered painting over the tree. However, it is Jared's tree, more so than hers. He's used the tree to make imaginary friends. If she were to paint over the tree, wouldn't it be the same as killing his fictional buddies? What is wrong with you, Macey? It's not murder. It's paint. 

She grabbed her purse and keys, having about ten minutes to spare for a cup of coffee. The morning rush is getting old. 

The second she hit the bottom stair, Jared came running from the library, "Mom, we have to go. I want to get there before the first bell!"

"What's the rush?"

"Principal Tillinghast is going to slip and hit his head!" he said as he ran toward the door.

Macey snatched him by his jacket, "Whoa, what are you talking about?" 

"I'll tell you on the way," Jared said and sprinted toward the front door.

"Great, no coffee," Macey mumbled.

She caught up with Jared by the car, "Ok, what do you mean Principal Tillinghast is going to slip? How do you know?"  She prayed he didn't take part in putting something slippery on the floor or an obstacle of some sort that he may trip over. 

They got in the car, and Macey backed out of the driveway with about eight minutes to get to Jared's school. "Start talking," she said to Jared, who looked more anxious than Macey would like. 

"Grandad told me Principal Tillinghast was going to slip and hit his head for not liking my painting."

Macey unwittingly eased her foot off the gas peddle and stared at Jared. "Sweetie, your grandfather died months ago." The car slowed to a near stop. A man in a black SUV behind them laid on his horn for what seemed like a full minute. Macey saw him waving his hand around through the rearview mirror. The one thing she didn't have was time to deal with an angry driver. So she stepped on the gas and turned into the school parking lot, and parked.

She faced Jared. "Jared, pretending to hurt Principal Tillinghast is bad," she said.

Jared opened the car door, "I'm not pretending, mom. Grandpa said it this morning."

"Enough! We'll discuss this when you get home." The second she yelled, she knew she shouldn't have because Jared slammed the car door and stomped toward the school building. Great, I'm competing with a dead man. 

Macey took a deep breath, "Coffee," she said and drove to Starbucks. Jared has never behaved with a mean spirit. He is good-natured to the core. The kind of kid that captures the heart, or at least her heart. Everything about Jared, his genuine smile, his untied shoelaces. The way he looks at her with loving, caring eyes opens her heart to a joy she doesn't feel since Paul died. Jared is her lifeline, and something malice is attempting to take him away. At least, that's how she felt.  But, she also thinks she's losing her freaking mind. 

Starbuck's drive-thru had a long line of cars extended around the building. Macey wasn't waiting in the car, so she went inside and stood in a shorter line than the drive-thru. Just plain coffee was the plan, but when it was her turn to order, she said, "Grande Mocha Frappuccino Double-shot Expresso. Please."

The clerk widened his eyes while raising one brow.

Guess no one orders Frappuccinos at 0830 in the good ole Fredericksburg region. Macey thought she might have wobbled her head on the thought because the clerk rolled his eyes at her. Great Macey. Now you have no friends at Starbucks either. She moved to the other counter to pick up her order and endured the clerk's darting evil eyes at her. A morning dose of caffeine and sugar couldn't have taken any longer. 

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