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3rd POV

Bianca leaned down and carefully grabbed the hot tray with the potholders protecting her palms, and carries it over to the table in the center of the dinning area.
The table was assorted with the good China and fabric napkins her Dad had bought years back but never got to use. The lime green and white floral pattern a bit lighter than it once was.
The smell of the tomato sauce wafts up into the hair and fills the whole house with the delicious smell of Italian food.
Bianca checks the clock as the timer goes off on the oven, signaling that the garlic bread has finished baking and was ready to be placed on the center of the table.
Bianca leaves the bread in the over after turning off the stove and she heads up stairs to change before the guests come over.
1st person point of view; Bianca
The door to my small closet opens and reveals the number of colored clothes, which only a few actually get worn.
I dig through the colors of dark blue,grey, green,purple, and black until I come across a dress that's sits in the back of the rack, hidden from view by the other clothes.
It is a simple dress. Solid black, knee length and just looks like a long shirt.
It's not bad. Simple and not eye catching. I think as I carry the dress with me into the bathroom to change.
I close my bathroom door,even though nobody is home- a habit- and turn and look at myself in the mirror.
My wavy strawberry blonde hair is in an uncontrollable messy bun, my green eyes (can't remember the color) have bags under them making me look tired.
I quickly undress out of my dirty spaghetti sauce covered clothes and slide the dress over my head.
It fits loosely around my body, while still making me look better than my jeans and tee-shirt did.
I slip out of the bathroom and head back downstairs just as the front door opens.
It's too early for dad to be back already.... which only means.
"Jonah!" I smile and walk up to my little brother, who is a good 7 inches taller than I am. "You're back. How was camp?"

He just rolls his eyes and tosses his smelly duffel bag on the couch and shrugs. "What's for dinner? I smell spaghetti."

I run in front of him before he can get into the kitchen and eat all of the food. "It is spaghetti. But it isn't for you." I smile nervously at him, as he scowls down at me.

"And why the hell not?" He raised a dark eyebrow.

"Because dad is having someone from his work and his son come over for dinner. You should have called before you got here and i would have made some extra for you." I walk back into the kitchen, my bare feet slapping against the wood flooring. "And I didn't think you were gonna be back so early. Did something happen at soccer camp?"

He huffs and plops down on a kitchen stool and rests his cheek in the palm of his hand. "Not really. I mean Eric and Maverick were being dumbasses and decided that it would be a good idea to take a late night swim in the lake. At one in the morning."

I turn around from picking up the garlic bread. "Isn't there a bunch of snakes in that lake?"

"Yep. That is how they were being dumbasses." He nods his head and stands up. "Well I am gonna go take a nap but when I wake up I will order me some pizza."

"Sorry. " I say and nod my head and he heads upstairs.

Just as I set the last piece of bread down the door bell rings.

I walk to the front door and open it. In steps my father, followed by an older man with deep green eyes, thick brows and a bushy beard.

"Bianca. This is Mitch.  Mitch this is my daughter Bianca." Dad smiled at me then at the man as I close the door behind them.

The man holds out a hand for me to take, which I do reluctantly, to shake. "Pleasure to meet you. My son is running a bit late, as always but he will be here."

I smile. "It's fine. And nice to meet you too."

We make our way into the dining room and just as we sit down the doorbell rings again.

"I will be back." I say as I stand up and head to the door.

Just as I turn the knob and let the door swing open, I roll my eyes.

"Why hello Sweetheart." He stands there in a pair of nice jeans and a loose black button down shirt.

"Shane." I roll my eyes.

"Play nice." He runs a hand through his hair, pushing it back out of the way. " it's not like I want to be here either. My step father made me come."

I turn and head back to the dining room where Dad and Shane's (step?) father are deep in a discussion about chemical reactions to sulfate so I just sit down in my seat.
Seconds later Shane plops into the seat next to me and leans back watching me in the corner of his eye. "You aren't doing to introduce me to your dad?"


"It just seems like some kind of I don't know....a formality."

"Dad this is Shane. Shane this is my dad." I pick up my fork. "There. Fine. Happy?"

"Hmmm." He rubs his chin with his fingertips. "Not yet."

He leans into my ear and let's put a slight laugh as I try to lean out of the way from him and almost fall.

I would have been on the ground if he haven't caught my wrist and held me up. "Clumsy girl" he says.

But still holding my wrists, he leans into my ear and whispers. "Stay away from that Luke boy. I don't like it."

My eyes widen but he lets me go and moved to his chair quickly and picks up his fork and begins eating.

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