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I've been blessed
With two angels
In this ruthless world.

One teach me
It's okay to cry over things.

Another one teach me
There somethings are not worth
crying for.

One teach me
You don't need words
To tell your pain.
You just need
A pair of understanding,
patient eyes.

Another one teach me
You don't need talks
To explain pain.
You just need
The existence
And listening ears.

One teach me,
Not every weak people
is truly fragile.
Some of them have
a braver soul than
a fighter.

Another one teach me,
Not every strong people
is really tough.
Some of them have
a frailer soul than
a baby.

They are different angels.
But they are my guardian,
And my sole source of strength.

Thanks God,
For gifting me
Two angels.

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