Chapter 19 Tanjiro's wrath

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Shirazumi practicing using her katana when she suddenly heard the voices of two children. One of them is Makomo's voice, the other one belongs to a boy.

Shirazumi approached the source of the sound which turned out to be from the place where there was a boulder that had split by her brother.

The two voices seemed to be talking about Tanjiro, talking about his possibility of success or failure in the final selection.

According to what Sakonji told her, failing the final selection meant death. Shirazumi's face turned pale at those words.

Shirazumi approached the two voices and said.

"So, you think my brother won't make it?"




Sabito and Makomo stared at Shirazumi who shouldn't be able to see them. But it is true. Shirazumi couldn't see either Sabito or Makomo. Her eyes looked straight at the boulder where Sabito was sitting on.

"Your eyes didn't look at us, meaning you still can't see us. But you can hear our voices" said Sabito without move from his position.

Shirazumi doesn't know where Sabito and Makomo are. Therefore she continued to stare at the splitted boulder as she nodded her head. 

"Even though we and Urokodaki-san taught him. He still has his limits. The rest, it depends on himself whether he can develop or not. If he can't ..." Sabito stopped his words. But Shirazumi continued it with a question. "If he can't, my brother will die?"

"That's right" This time Makomo answered.

Shirazumi tried to calm down by closing her eyes and sighed deeply. What Sabito and Makomo said was like touching an old wound that almost opened again.

Shirazumi doesn't want to lose any of her family anymore. One part of her heart really wanted to stop him from taking the final selection. But the other side of her heart really believes in her brother. She believed her little brother would return safely. For her, and also for Nezuko.

After exhaling the breath she had been holding back, Shirazumi opened her eyes. She trying to smile and said "I believe. I believe my brother will come back alive. He promised. Tanjiro is not a kid who likes to lie, let alone break his promises."

Sabito and Makomo who heard Shirazumi's words smiled.

But that smile didn't last long. Part of Sabito and Makomo is on Mount Fujikasane. They can see what happens with Tanjiro there.

Currently, Tanjiro is facing the demon who is the cause of Sabito and Makomo's death.

After a moment of silence, Sabito suddenly said something.

"Calm yourself Tanjiro. Keep your breath calm. Don't think about us. Focus on what you have to do!"

Sabito said as if he was talking to Tanjiro. Makomo explains about a part of themselves who are on Mount Fujikasane and also about what happened to Tanjiro there.

Hearing Makomo's explanation, Shirazumi was surprised. Her face grew paler.

Her brother is in danger.




The demon in front of Tanjiro continues his story.

He explained that he could find out which one is Sakonji's pupils because the mask Sakonji made was the mark. All Sakonji's pupils follow the final selection using the mask he made.

Because of using that mask ... All of Sakonji's late pupils were eaten.

"When I told the girl in the flower kimono, she cried and went berserk. Her movements became chaotic, so I broke her arms and legs." The demon said while laughing between his words. As if what he had done was a funny thing.

His words made Tanjiro's anger even worse

Tanjiro couldn't think straight because of wrath. Without thinking about anything he moved towards the demon who had ignited his wrath.

The demon attacks Tanjiro with his many hands, but Tanjiro manages to cut them off.

Part of Sabito who was on Mount Fujikasane tried to warn Tanjiro not to be careless. But because Tanjiro was overcome by anger. Neither the figure nor the voice of Sabito was conveyed to him.

Because of his rashing move. The demon manages to attack Tanjiro, knocking him out and crashing him into a tree.

Tanjiro was unconscious with an injured head. The mask he was wearing was fall and broken.




In his unconscious state, Tanjiro felt someone calling him. He knew the voice very well. It was Shigeru's voice. Shigeru called out to him so many times that Tanjiro finally regained his senses and immediately avoided the demon's attack that barely hit his head.

Tanjiro didn't have much time to think why he could hear the voice of his brother who had died because those hands kept attacking him. Even if he cut off those hands, new hands would continue to grow like they were endless.

Suddenly, Tanjiro could smell the demon on the ground below him. He immediately jumped as high as possible. On the ground where Tanjiro was, there was the demon's hand that came out of the ground, trying to catch him who still floating in the air because of his high jump.

Because he jumped so high, none of the hands could reach him.

When Tanjiro was not too high in the air, at that time the demon using one of his big arms to attack. The demon intends to crush Tanjiro with it.

But Tanjiro spun through the air by smacking his super hard head against its hand.

Because Tanjiro avoided the demon's last hand, now the demon doesn't have the hands to attack Tanjiro. He changed himself from attack to defense.

With the remaining hands he had, the demon protected his neck. The remaining hands were too short to attack.

The demon has a very hard neck. Even Sabito couldn't cut his neck. Because of that, he was able to kill Sabito.

Now with his neck protected by multiple layers of hands, it would be even more difficult to cut.

But it turned out to be wrong.

With the first form of water breath, Minamo Giri, Tanjiro managed to decapitate the demon.

Deceased soul has three places that they frequently visit.

Place where the things that are precious to their are,

Place where they were buried, and

Place where they lost their life.



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