Chapter 15 Who Are They?

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Shirazumi looked around trying to find the source of the gentle voice. But there is no one in that place apart from her and her brother.

Tanjiro is heard like he is arguing with the 'spirit'. Then he was attacked again and again. According to the voice that Shirazumi heard, Tanjiro will become stronger. 'Could it be that someone is training it?' she said silently.

The gentle voice was heard again. "Calm down. I know you can't see us. But you can hear my voice. We will help your brother to split the rock. My name is Makomo, the one who is with your brother named Sabito".

Unexpectedly, Shirazumi wasn't too surprised by that voice. His younger brother is now fighting a ghost. 

While listening to Makomo, Tanjiro is defeated by Sabito and now he is unconscious. She immediately approached her brother.

After confirming her brother was alright, Shirazumi breathed a sigh of relief. She wanted to bring Tanjiro back to Sakonji's house, but her body couldn't bear to lift Tanjiro who was heavier than her.

Shirazumi couldn't bring Sakonji because he was going to the village to buy some things and wouldn't come home until tomorrow.

With no other choice, Shirazumi has to wait for his brother to wake up. But, until the sun goes down, Tanjiro not regains consciousness yet. She is getting worried.




Finally, when the sun was replaced by a crescent moon, Tanjiro regained consciousness. He immediately raved about the boy who had defeated him. About how strong he is, how good his moves are.

"Nee-chan! Did you see him!? His movement was very good. None of his movements are wasted. I want to be like him !!?" Tanjiro said excitedly.

Shirazumi couldn't answer because she didn't really see the battle between Tanjiro and Sabito.

Tanjiro smelled an unusual smell from his older sister. Shirazumi's face, which was not covered by her hat, smiled a little like she was hiding something.

"Nee-chan. Did you hiding something from me?" Tanjiro asked while frowning slightly.

Shirazumi immediately changed her expression and stood up with her arms crossed over her chest and said "That's rude! Your sister here is a girl. Of course, I have lots of secrets"

Tanjiro looked at his older sister with a little surprise. Two seconds passed in silence and then laughter came. Shirazumi and Tanjiro laugh at their own words.




Shirazumi and Tanjiro walked together back to Sakonji's house. While walking, they chatted with each other.

"Nee-chan, did you think I can be strong like that person?" asked Tanjiro to her sister. He didn't realize yet that Shirazumi couldn't see Sabito.

"Don't use the word 'that person'. They have names. Sabito, and Makomo". Shirazumi replied and advised him.

"You know him? Eh, wait. There are two people?" Asked Tanjiro repeatedly. Tanjiro just met Sabito, so he didn't know that there was one more person (spirit/ghost) earlier.

"I don't know. A girl named Makomo who told me their name. Oh yes. I think it's better to not tell about Sabito and Makomo to Urokodaki-san". Shirazumi said.

Tanjiroa bit confused by his sister last sentence and asked curiously, "Why?"

"Just don't!" Shirazumi replied in a serious tone. From the smell that Shirazumi gives off, Tanjiro knows that it is better to obey her words.




After walking while chatting. Finally they arrived at Sakonji's house. What they were looking for the first time was their sister Nezuko.

The faces of Tanjiro and Shirazumi are sad again seeing their little sister who still doesn't show any signs of waking up.

Shirazumi told Tanjiro to sit down and then took the first aid box, cloth, and a small bucket filled with water. Slowly, Shirazumi cleaned her brother's wounds and bandaged him.

"It's done. You better sleep now. Tomorrow you will train again right? This time you have opponents of the same age." Said Shirazumi while lifting the wooden bucket that the water inside was no longer clear.

"Eh ... What ...?" Tanjiro said confused. "Looks like Sabito and Makomo want to train you so that you can split the boulder" Shirazumi responded to confusion Tanjiro.

Tanjiro smiled at the thought. Shirazumi, who had returned after throwing out the dirty water, reminded Tanjiro not to tell Sakonji about Sabito and Makomo. Tanjiro who was releasing his Haori nodded in understanding.




Shirazumi can only move freely at night when the sun is not present. Because of that, she did washing at night before dawn. In the morning, between Sakonji and Tanjiro who is drying the clothes.

While washing, Shirazumi thought about Sabito and Makomo. From her voice, Makomo was probably 13 years old or even less. The two children are just spirits. In other words, they are ghosts of the dead.

But why do they want to train Tanjiro?

While cleaning the house, Shirazumi once found a storage area under a wooden floor. There were several swords as well as some children's clothes.

Shirazumi thought of one possibility. Maybe they used to be Urokodaki's pupil, but they had died.

Shirazumi never talked about it with Sakonji. She was afraid that it would offend him. Besides, Sakonji had never talked about anything about his previous pupils.




When Shirazumi finished washing, it was almost dawn. She left the washed cloth and rushed into the house. She didn't want to be exposed to the sun.

Like the previous days, when Shirazumi entered, Tanjiro was still sleeping. He often slept at the desk after writing his daily journal. On the edge of the table is a pile of journals that he wrote himself.

Tanjiro said he wanted to tell Nezuko the story of his struggles during training with Sakonji when she woke up later.

Shirazumi also thought that it would be a good idea.

If you can't see it,

Not mean it doesn't exist.

If you can't hear it,

Not mean it voiceless.



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