Chapter 17 Towards the Final Selection

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While looking at the boulder that had just been split in two, Sakonji tells his true intent.

"I have no intention of sending you to the final selection. I don't want to see my pupil die anymore. I thought you couldn't split it, but you can."

While stroking Tanjiro's head, whose hair had grown long, Sakonji continued his words "You did it. Good job. Tanjiro, you will be great swordsman".

Hearing his mentor's word, Tanjiro and Shirazumi were moved and cried. Sakonji, who knew that, embraced the siblings while telling Tanjiro to return alive from the final selection he will going to pass.

Shirazumi and Nezuko as an oni cannot accompany Tanjiro. He will follow the final selection alone and leave Shirazumi and Nezuko who still sleeping in the protection of Sakonji.




In the evening, Sakonji made a special meal to celebrate Tanjiro's success in completing his training. Today dinner is nabe. The assortment of vegetables and braised meat looks very delicious.

Tanjiro ate with full content. Shirazumi also ate, but only the wild chicken in the nabe that she could be eaten. When Shirazumi tried to grab the tofu, Sakonji hit her hand with chopsticks. Tanjiro who saw that laughed.

The night was very cheerful. But it was a night of farewell before Tanjiro left with probability he wouldn't come home again.




After dinner is over, Sakonji cleans up the bowl and pot that was used for nabe, while Shirazumi cuts Tanjiro's hair.

When he was starting his training with Sabito, Tanjiro intended not to cut his hair until he could split the boulder. His hair extends to past his shoulders.

Three times Shirazumi asked Tanjiro to make sure that her brother really wanted to cut his hair. Even though according to Shirazumi it is better to leave it long. It makes him look like their father.

But Tanjiro still insisted on cutting his hair. He said that he wanted to cut his hair as a new start.

Shirazumi sighed and complied with her brother's wish. She starts cutting Tanjiro's hair.

Behind the two brothers, Sakonji came back and took a piece of his water patterned kimono, just like the one he always wore. Tanjiro's clothes had to be repaired, so Sakonji lent Tanjiro one of his kimonos for him to wear tomorrow.




The sun has risen and Tanjiro is ready to go. After wearing the kimono that his mentor lent, Tanjiro entered a room where Nezuko still asleep. Tanjiro was a little surprised to see Shirazumi sitting next to their sister. He thought she was asleep because it was morning already.

Tanjiro walked over to his sisters and sat next to Nezuko opposite Shirazumi.

"Finally ... You're leaving, Tanjiro ..." Said Shirazumi to Tanjiro. "Yes. I will definitely find a way to turn you back into humans". Tanjiro answered while holding Nezuko's hand who was still asleep.

Shirazumi rose from her seat and approached Tanjiro. Tanjiro also got up from his seat. While being careful not to get her long nails hitting her brother, Shirazumi touched Tanjiro's cheek.

"I didn't expect anything other than your safety" Shirazumi said with a sad smile. After that Shirazumi hugged Tanjiro tightly, as if if he were released Tanjiro would disappear.




After saying goodbye, Tanjiro went outside where Sakonji was waiting. Even though Shirazumi was able to accompany Tanjiro's departure using her clothed hat, she didn't do it. she's afraid that she will stop Tanjiro's departure. Because of that, she stayed behind to accompany Nezuko.

Sakonji promised Tanjiro that he will take care of his Sisters so that Tanjiro wouldn't worry. Tanjiro, who wearing a water patterned kimono, Nichirin borrowed from Sakonji, and a mask made by Sakonji, are now ready to head to Mount Fujikasane and take part in the final selection.

Not even tens steps Tanjiro walked, he turned around and said something that was impossible according to Sakonji.

"Please send my greetings to Sabito and Makomo!"

Sakonji who heard that was shocked. Because the two people Tanjiro mentioned already died long ago. But Tanjiro knew those names and even sent greetings as if he had met his two late pupils. Though they died years ago.




After Tanjiro is out of sight, Sakonji enters his house and intends to check on Nezuko and Shirazumi's condition.

When he entered the room where Nezuko and Shirazumi were, Shirazumi said to him.

"He can see them you know. I mean, Sabito and Makomo's spirits"

Sakonji who was interested in Shirazumi's words approached her and sat in front of Shirazumi.

Shirazumi explains to Sakonji about Tanjiro who can see spirits, and also about Sabito and Makomo who trained Tanjiro for the past one year.




After hearing about it, no one who makes any sound for a minute. It was as if Sakonji was processing all those facts.

"I see ... those kids really believe in Tanjiro ..." said Sakonji after sighing.

"I also don't really understand. Because I can't see Sabito and Makomo. I only occasionally hear Makomo's voice. I haven't even told Tanjiro that I can't see Sabito and Makomo," Shirazumi said.

"I feel ashamed of myself" Sakonji said while looking down. "I thought that Tanjiro wouldn't be able to fulfill my request to cut the boulder, but two of my late students believed him and continued to help him. "

Shirazumi who saw Sakonji's attitude immediately refuted it. "You're not mistaken. I, also, if I can, I would like to stop Tanjiro. But seeing his strong determination, I couldn't." Shirazumi expressed her heart.




There are three people who are waiting for Tanjiro's return with full of worries.

Tanjiro continues to walk towards Mount Fujikasane where the final selection is carried out. He didn't realize, the truth about Sabito and Makomo will be revealed there.

It hurts indeed to send someone you love away,

But waiting for his return,

It could hurt more.



Translated from Indonesian to English By : Me (Puspahana94)

As I'm not a professional translator, there's maybe a lot of mistakes in translation. Please don't hesitate to tell me if you find a fatal mistake between the sentences above 😊

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