Chapter 6 Protect

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If only the demon hunter had come half a day earlier ...

Maybe Kamado family can still be saved.

Shirazumi doesn't have to see that horrible sight. Demon blood will not flow in Shirazumi's and Nezuko's veins.

Maybe if Tanjiro refused Saburo's offer and still insisted on going home that night, Tanjiro would also see the same view as his sister. Or maybe he will die like his mother and younger siblings. It might also be that Tanjiro will have the same fate as Shirazumi and Nezuko.




Tanjiro and his sister are very angry. To provoke even more anger, the swordsman continued to provoke them.

A false promise cannot save two sisters who are contaminated with demons blood. It will not be able to return them, or even revenge.

Inwardly, the man who kept pointing his katana at Nezukoitu wanted to make Tanjiro and Shirazumi realize that turning anger into strength was not wrong. As long as the anger can be controlled, the strength can be obtained.

The man stabbed Nezuko with his katana. What he did awaken Shirazumi who then threw stones she found among the snow at him. She threw it while trying not to hit Nezuko.

Quickly, Tanjiro got up and ran between the trees, while Shirazumi continued to throw stones. With thick snow, there wasn't much stone she could find. Gathering all of her strength, Shirazumi ran while taking the stones she found and kept throwing them.

Suddenly Tanjiro also threw stones. Attacked with stone's throw from two directions, the man continued to avoid the stone's.

While hiding behind a tree, Shirazumi gestured her brother to throw his hatchet. They work together. Shirazumi throwing stones, while Tanjiro throws his hatchet, aiming at the man.

Tanjiro and Shirazumi split when Shirazumi threw the last stone, while Tanjiro lunged while hiding his hands. He acts like he's going to attack him with a hatchet. In fact, in his hands, he did not bring anything.

That man is angry. He did provoke Tanjiro so that he could use his anger. But this is not what he wants. All he saw was an attack that was mobilized because of mere emotion. He thought that Tanjiro was still holding his hatchet, while Shirazumi who was attacking from the side seemed to just run towards him and was ready to take Nezuko from him.

With the handle of the katana, he hit Tanjiro's back, which was already approaching him. Then with his feet, he kicked Shirazumi's stomach which almost grabbed Nezuko.

Tanjiro collapsed from a heavy blow to his back, while Shirazumi collapsed in the snow. 

Nezuko showed a worried face when she saw her brother and sister being defeated. Her facial expression was no different from humans. She looked at her siblings without making a sound.

Suddenly the man realizes something. Tanjiro, who was unconscious, did not bring his hatchet. At that moment he looked up. The hatchet that had been holding by Tanjiro was now circling in the air. A few seconds later. The hatchet was stuck in a tree. Almost exactly where the man's head is. He managed to avoid a fatal attack that could be ascertained if he didn't have time to dodge, the hatchet would definitely make a hole in his face.

The man realized. The attack carried out by those siblings is not a random plan. They intended to take Nezuko after the hatchet had wounded him. Even though before that the younger brother would lose first. His sister acts as a distraction so that he is not aware of the hatchet that spinning in the air.

Shirazumi crawls toward her brother. For a moment, the man did not realize that his grip on Nezuko was loosening. With that opportunity, Nezuko struggles again and kicked the man until he pushed back a few meters.

Nezuko immediately approached her siblings.

'It's bad. He will be eaten '

That's what the man thought. He realized that no matter how fast he moved, he wouldn't make it.

But suddenly, the man was shocked. What he was seeing now, was something he had never imagined. Instead of attacking, Nezuko obstructed her siblings from his view. Nezuko protected them.

'No!. My Sister has never eaten humans! '

The man remembered Tanjiro's words.

Shirazumi is also surprised. With the kimono already in a mess, Nezuko protected her and Tanjiro. Like a mother cat protecting her kittens, Nezuko growled by showing her claws and fangs. Then she lunged, trying to attack the man.

Seeing Nezuko who is a demon now protecting her two siblings, a feeling of doubt arose in the man. The katana that was to be used to decapitate Nezuko, he put it back to its sheath. He bet with his instinct not to kill Nezuko now.

Using his bare hands, the man hit Nezuko's neck until she fainted. Nezuko, who just turned into demon last night, unable to use its power properly.


Shirazumi shouted seeing her sister losing consciousness and falling in the snow.

The man is now approaching Shirazumi who is trying to wake Tanjiro.

"Humans who have high immunity to demon blood are very rare. You can maintain your consciousness like humans. But you are not human. Humans cannot heal severe wounds overnight. You and your sister are now safe because there is no sunlight. until you are exposed to the sun, you two will become ashes ".

Said the man as coldly as when they had just met.

"Wait here. I'll be right back and bring something for your little sister. Remember, don't go anywhere, including your two siblings. Otherwise, I will cut you off! "

Hearing that makes Shirazumi shudder.

Before the man left, Shirazumi said to him.

"Umm ... Thank you ... For not killing my sister ... Umm ... Name, may I ask your name?"

"Giyuu. Tomioka Giyuu" The man answered before finally disappearing with a very fast movement.

Shirazumi sees her younger sister who only uses sleeping kimono. She saw that the haori that had been put on Nezuko lay not far from where they were, almost half of it covered with snow.

Shirazumi gets up and takes the haori then puts it on Nezuko. She obeyed the man whose name is now known as Tomioka Giyuu to not to go anywhere. There's no way Shirazumi will leave her two younger siblings. The two remaining of her family members.

Shirazumi kept looking at her two siblings who were unconscious.

While holding back her tears, Shirazumi held each of her siblings hand. She repeatedly said apology to them, even though Tanjiro and Nezuko could not hear it.

Even though she is innocent. Even though she was a victim herself.

The mother and father protect their child.

Older sibling protect their younger sibling

Doesn't mean a child cannot protect their parents

Doesn't mean a younger sibling cannot protect their older sibling

All protect each other, love each other.

That's family.



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