Chapter 20 Back to Promised Place

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Tanjiro's form unites with Sakonji's shadow, making the demon remember the times when he was defeated by Sakonji. With the same moves that had defeated the him, the events of decades ago seemed to be repeated. The difference is, the one who slashed him this time was not Sakonji but Tanjiro. Also, unlike before, this time his head was completely separated from his body.

Slowly, the demon's body crumbled. His head, which was still intact, stared at his own body which was almost completely destroyed to ashes. Tanjiro sheathed his sword, turned his back to the demon's head.

The demon couldn't see Tanjiro's face. But he assumed that he was showing a face that was insulting him as a despicable being.

But he was wrong. Tanjiro's face expression was completely different from what the demon thought.

When Tanjiro turned his face to the demon head, there was no disdain at all. There was just a look of pity. Tanjiro felt sorry for the demon he just defeated.

Subconsciously, the almost perished demon said one word. "Onii-chan". no one except the demon knows what made himself say that. 

It seems that when still a human, this demon in front of Tanjiro had an older brother. Smelling the demon's very strong sad smell, Tanjiro approached the remains of the demon's hand that had not yet been perished completely and held it. He prayed and hoped that if the demon he defeated was reborn, he would not become a demon again. To spend his entire life as a human.

Even though his head and body were separated, the demon could still feel Tanjiro's hand holding his hand. 'So warm'. That's what the demon thought while crying before his entire body and head turned to dust. The demon recalled his life when he was still a human. Remembering his brother's hand that always held his hand.




After the demon's entire body turned to ashes completely, Tanjiro's face looked even sadder. He did manage to defeat the demon, but lot of his senior weren't as lucky as him, including Sabito and Makomo. As if dedicating the victory to them, Tanjiro prayed. He pray that their souls may rest in peace. So that their souls could return to the place they promised to return to, The place where their teacher was, Mount Sagiri.

Tanjiro also said to himself. If he dies in this place, his soul will return to where Sakonji and his two sisters are.




On Mount Sagiri, Shirazumi feels calmer after hearing from Makomo that her Brother is safe.

The air around grew colder. The mist that had usually appeared on Mount Sagiri reduced visibility.

But within the mist, Shirazumi could see many children. Some are boys and other are girls. This time it's not just a silhouette. Everything is visible even though it is not clear because the fog is not thick enough to cover them completely. They all wear masks that resemble the ones Tanjiro wears. Because of that, Shirazumi thought that they were all Sakonji's students.

The boy who sitting on the boulder jumped down. Apart from the boy and a girl in a flower patterned kimono, the other children left without saying anything and disappeared within the mist.

The boy and girl approached Shirazumi.

"Are you Sabito and Makomo?" Shirazumi asked the them with doubt between her words.

With a soft voice, Makomo answered confirming Shirazumi's question.

"Give our regards and gratitude to Tanjiro and Urokodaki-san" Sabito said to Shirazumi before finally disappearing like the other children.

"Keep trying, don't give up" Makomo said with a smile and then disappeared with Sabito.




Inside his house, Sakonji sat in front of the fireplace. Hoping that this time he could see his pupil back safely.

Sakonji's greatest fear is when a crow comes and announces that his pupil has died in the selection... again.

He had felt those pain dozens of times. And he didn't want to feel it again.

Suddenly, Sakonji felt a warm wind blowing from nowhere. The only source of warmth in the room should be the fireplace in front of him. But the warm wind came from somewhere else.

Within that wind, Sakonji smelled a scent that should have been found anymore. The scent of his precious pupils who used to live with him.

He can heard the two words he had always wanted to hear floated with the wind. The voices of several boys and girls speaking at the same time in a low and gentle voice.

"We're home, Urokodaki-san"

Sakonji was surprised. He hoped that what he heard was not just an illusion.

Tears flowed behind the mask he wear. Familiar scents and voices made him remember the past.



Worry, and


That's what make them can't leave this world yet.



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