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Nini: *We all get off the bus* Okay, is everyone in their groups with their chaperone? Perfect! And I'll just hand out the maps *I give each parent a map and some other items* We'll meet back at the entrance around 2 o'clock so until then, you guys are free to do whatever! Have fun! *everyone else walks away and I walk towards the apple trees*

Seb: and there's a kindergarten class coming in today so just make sure kids aren't just pulling apples off the tree's and throwing them on the ground
Ricky: *laughs* I will. Thanks Seb *Seb walks away*
Nini: *I grab an apple basket and walk around the apple trees* *Ooh that looks like the perfect apple* *I reach up to grab it but I can't quite reach it* Darn it
Ricky: Here, let me help you with that *I grab the apple for you*
Nini: *I take it from you* Thanks, being short isn't exactly the perfect thing for apple picking *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs* *I see your school lanyard* Oh are you here with the field trip today?
Nini: Yep! It turned out we had a lot of volunteer chaperones so I decided to go off on my own for a little bit before checking in with the students
Ricky: Oh cool. I'm actually a teacher too... well, I want to be. I just graduated from college and I'm on the job search but now that it's already October I'm not having much luck. So, I work here.
Nini: Oh my gosh! One of my coworkers is about to go on maternity leave and I know they're looking for a permanent sub while she's gone. And I know our Music teacher is retiring after this school year so if you have some sort of musical degree....
Ricky: that's a scary coincidence. I actually have a degree in both elementary education and in music theory for elementary students
Nini: An incredibly scary coincidence *laughs* But you should really think about applying soon or something. Maybe I can put in a good word for you
Ricky: Really? Oh my goodness thank you! I don't think I caught your name...
Nini: Nina. Nina Salazar-Roberts
Ricky: It's nice to meet you Nina. I'm Ricky, Ricky Bowen *laughs*
Katie: *Runs up to Nini* Umm Miss.Roberts? I lost my group and I don't know what to do
Nini: Oh no! Well you can stay by me while we go find them *Starts to walk away*
Ricky: Wait, sorry. Um, could I have your number? Just in case I have a question or whatever. *I pull out my phone*
Nini: Oh sure! *I grab your phone and put my number in* There you go, I hope I'll see around, Ricky
Ricky: Yeah, you too! Have a great rest of your day. *I wave to Katie* Bye!
Katie: *waves back*
Nini: Come on, sweetie. Let's get you back to Mrs.Higgins *we walk away*

-Time Skip- 2 weeks later at the school Nini works at.
Mr. Raines: I'll meet right back with you to tour the school. I just need to check on a few things in the office.
Ricky: Okay, thank you
Nini: *I walk out of my room and towards the office before I see you* Ricky?
Ricky: Nina! Hey! Thank you so much for hooking this up for me!
Nini: No way! You got the job?
Ricky: It's not 100% certain but I think it's looking good!
Nini: Well that's awesome! So if all goes well, you're starting here next week?
Ricky: Yep! I'm kind of nervous *laughs* Everyone's already in the full swing of things and I'll be the new guy
Nini: *laughs* Well you can always stop by my room if need be. This is my second year here and it's a pretty great place. All the teachers are absolutely lovely and you'll find that most of the students are pretty good. And as luck might have it, your room will be right across from mine
Ricky: Oh really?! That'd be so great *laughs* You've been so helpful the past few weeks
Nini: No problem *I look up at the clock* Well I gotta get my kids from gym, it's they're favorite class of the day *laughs* But I really do hope I get to see you next week. Especially in the class right across from me
Ricky: Yeah, you too. And you won't mind if I text you with any more questions?
Nini: I don't mind at all *smiles*
Ricky: Thank you agai-
Mr. Raines: *walks back out* Alright all ready to- Oh, hello Miss. Roberts.
Nini: Hey Mr.Raines!
Mr. Raines: Everything's looking good for Mr. Bowen. Thank you for putting in the word about him!
Nini: No problem! He seems like the perfect candidate for the job. You might need to have him come back next year to replace Mrs.Monroe
Mr. Raines: Yes, he mentioned his music degree. When the time comes, he will definitely be considered for the job
Nini: Ahh how exciting! *laughs* Well I'll see you guys later, I gotta go pick up my kids. Bye bye!
Ricky: Bye Nina!
Mr. Raines: Ready to go?
Ricky: Let's do it

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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