How does one date?

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Leave comments as you read! I love seeing y'all's reactions hahah.
It's a Monday after school and Nini just got to the Bowen's after a long theater practice.
Nini: *Loudly opens the door* Ricky!
Nini: *I run upstairs* You'll never guess what happened at practice today
Ricky: Then tell me!
Nini: The Ej Caswell asked ME out on a date!
Ricky: Oh my god! How?! Where?!
Nini: Umm it was after we finished the last scene for the day and he walked on over to me and asked if I wanted to go out to the diner with him on Friday for a date. I swear, my knees were jelly and I wasn't thinking straight but somehow I still managed to say yes
Ricky: FINALLY! *laughs* you've been crushing over him for how long now? *laughs*
Nini: Since Freshman year...
Ricky: *laughs* I'm so excited now! Ahhhhh
Nini: Gosh, what am I gonna wear?! What am I supposed to do? This is my first date like, ever
Ricky: I'm well aware *laughs* But it's not till Friday Neens, you've got all week to figure it out
Nini: Yeah, you're right. Everything is going to be fine. Sorry, I'm just really excited *laughs*
Ricky: I'M EXCITED! *laughs* There must be someway I can comeeee
Nini: No, you're not crashing my first date, Richard
Ricky: You tried crashing mine!
Nini: To be fair, she did end up being really clingy and kinda creepy so I was just trying to protect you. You're welcome by the way
Ricky: mmm thanks *laughs*
Nini: Anytime Richard
Ricky: you always call me that
Nini: *laughs* Maybe you should have just come up with a nickname yourself in 1st grade
Ricky: nah, that's what you were for
Nini: So that's why I have the right to call you Richard. Because I got rid of it, well I did for others
Ricky: okay NINA
Nini: Eh Nini has a better ring to it
Ricky: you're welcome
Nini: *laughs* So, how was your day?
Ricky: it was fine. I think I totally failed that Spanish quiz though *laughs*
Nini: And that my friend, is why I got those foreign language credits checked off in Middle school and Freshman year. No worrying about it later on in high school *laughs*
Ricky: thanks for bragging *rolls eyes*
Nini: I told you not to just go the easy way out with a study hall, you can't blame me for your poor decisions
Ricky: shut up *I shove you lightly and laugh*
Nini: You're mean *frowns*
Ricky: *I frown and mock you*
Nini: I literally hate you
Ricky: I know *laughs*
Nini: I'm gonna go eat everything out of your pantry. You wanna come with?
Ricky: *laughs* you pig...  yes, I'm coming
Nini: I'm gonna beat you down there *I run out of your room*
Ricky: *I run in front of you and block the stairs*
Nini: Richard, if you don't move I swear to god, I'm never speaking to you again
Ricky: You gotta get past me Nina
Nini: *sighs* *I knee you in the gut and run past you*
Ricky: Shit! NINI! *I run downstairs*
Nini: *I run inside the pantry and lock the door*
Ricky: *I pound on the door* Nini I swear to god-
Nini: What?
Ricky: Open the doorrrrrr!
Nini: Mmmm.... no
Ricky: you suck!
Nini: You blocked me from my food, so you got what you deserved
Ricky: Wanna get me my barbecue chips?
Nini: Uh no
Ricky: pleaseeeee
Nini: Nope
Ricky: I'll tell Ej you still like watching the Barbie movies...
Nini: Okay.... and so do you
Ricky: I'm not the one that's dating him
Nini: If he can't except my love for the barbie movies, then I don't want him
Ricky: ugh I hate you
Nini: I love youuuuu
Mike: *walks into the Kitchen* Hey Rick, why are you leaning up against the pantry?
Ricky: Nini.
Mike: oh hey Nini! How are you?!
Nini: I'm great! Your son is an asshole though- I mean jerk
Mike: yeah, he kinda is...
Ricky: DAD!
Nini: Ha, I win
Ricky: This is my family... I swear
Nini: *I open up the door with a bag up bbq chips and pecans in my hands* What time is your mom getting home?
Ricky: *I grab the chips from you and run into the living room*
Nini: You didn't answer my question! Ugh teenage boys, they suck
Ricky: oh um *I shove a few chips in my mouth* *muffled* like 5?
Nini: Thank god, I'm totally craving some of her spaghetti. So happy it's a Monday
Ricky: Ugh me too! That sounds so good right now
Lynne: *Opens the front door and walks in* Oh, my favorite child is here!
Ricky: You too?! Are you kidding me?!
Nini: Oh you know my moms have the biggest soft spot for you, so don't even *I walk over and hug Lynne* Hi mom
Lynne: Hey Nini! How was school?
Ricky: *from the other side of the room with a mouth full of chips* she got a boyfriend!
Nini: Correction, I got asked out by a boy. That doesn't mean we're dating, Richard
Ricky: same difference
Lynne: ooooo what's his name?
Nini: Ej
Lynne: ohhh he's in all the school plays right?
Nini: Yep, and I am beyond excited. But your son tried to jeopardize my date by saying that he was gonna tell him about my love for the Barbie movies. Which break just so many rules in the code of best friends
Ricky: what code?
Nini: That you don't give out your friends biggest secret, Richard
Ricky: mmm rightttt
Nini: *I walk over and take the bag out of your hands and walk to the kitchen*
Ricky: literally hate you. Hey mom! How was work?
Lynne: Boring. I hate teacher inservice days, I don't get to see my students and it's quite boring just grading all day *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs* ooof
Lynne: Ooof is correct *laughs*
Nini: So, is it still spaghetti night?
Lynne: Of course! Do you want to help me make it?
Nini: You know I'm always more help then your son
Lynne: Always *laughs*
Ricky: *tunes in* what?
Lynne: see *laughs*
Nini: *laughs*
Lynne: you gonna help with dinner Ricky?
Ricky: no....
Nini: You're the worst son ever *laughs*
Ricky: I'll be watching TV in the living room. Peace out y'all
Nini: Wait a minute! Did you finish your homework for Mazzara'a Class?
Ricky: you'll help me later
Nini: Nope, you do it now or help make dinner
Lynne: you're a better mom then I am *laughs*
Ricky: *whines*
Nini: Don't be a baby, Richard
Ricky: *I roll my eyes and walk upstairs*
Nini: That boy *I laugh and walk to the pantry to grab the pasta*

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