Hey Everyone! (overview)

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Libby and I happen to have just too many ideas for story's, and not enough time to write them. So we've condensed them down and turned some of them into one shots! This will probably only be updated between the end of a story and the release of a new one. We hope you enjoy our little rini stories and love them as much as we love writing them!
Feel free to leave suggestions!

1. "How does one date?" Release date: 10/10
2. "Matchmaker" (Coming soon...)
3. "Kindergarten" (Coming soon...)
4. "Your Secrets Safe with Me" JUICE ADDITION
5. "Hiding Behind Hatred" JUICE ADDITION
6. "Puppy Love and Sunflowers" JUICE ADDITION
And more coming soon....

Let's explain the "juice additions" ...
You may be like, "Juice? What do you mean. That sounds mega stupid" WELL let me inform you that it is in fact... I guess it is kinda stupid. Basically, we took our different versions of Ricky and Nini, and put them in a situation where they got drunk together. And again you're probably like "That's stupid, why?" But I promise you it's funny! Or maybe it's just funny to us at 12 AM- But that's besides the point. Writing these stupid drunk one shots is probably our favorite thing so we hope you like them as much as we do. So, get comfy and get yourself a glass of juice (Unless you're under 21, then we do not condone under age drinking. So try apple juice :)

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