"See ya later girl!" Mina waved off as she was now the only one left remaining in the classroom

"Yes... sir?" Komei shifted the textbooks in her arms walking forward to his desk

The Erasure Hero sighed before he began "Unfortunately a very important mission has come up and I will not be able to continue the extra lessons with you at this time-"


"B-But M-Mr. Aizawa!!" The girl retaliated 

"I'm getting so much better!! 

Aizawa wasn't exactly thrilled about it either. He promised his student that he himself would directly help with her quirk control... Him as a teacher, guilt started to slowly take effect.

 Him as a teacher, guilt started to slowly take effect

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Her body began to shake. Damnit. She could literally feel improvement and now it was being taken away from her.

"Though, I do have a proposition for you if you'd care to listen-" He went on as girl sealed her lips shut

"Another hero is willing to take you in-"

'Another hero... want's me?' The pinkette took a step back

"So what do you say?"

"YES! Yes, yes of course yes!!!" She spazzed

"Alright then. I will make the arrangements. You will have to continue your provisional license training as well as classes-" 

"Wait-" Komei cocked her head to the side in confusion

'Continue provisional license training... classes? What the hell is he talking about??'

"You mean... it's not a teacher at U.A?" She questioned making the pro hero smirk

"Pack up your things Komei, because your train to Kyushu leaves in the morning-"


The pinkette stood, making a face in confusion as Aizawa slid her the train ticket across his desk.

"I have to travel all the way down to Kyushu?" She repeated picking up the ticket 

'But why?'

Aizawa smirked watching her expression. That place, it sounded so familiar to the girl. Where did she hear it before? 

'Just make sure you let me know when you're expected in Kyushu, so I can sign off on your absences...'

"Kyushu..." She looked down before realization set in

and when it did, she dropped her textbooks creating a giant slamming sound as papers began to fly around the classroom 


"Pro hero Hawks has offered to help with your training."

"H-Hawks?!?" She spazzed

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