- Prologue -

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Skeppy and Bad were talking, minding their business, and walking down the street towards their apartment with a couple grocery bags. They'd been roommates for the past year and thinks were doing great! Sure, of course there were ups and downs, but they stuck together and wouldn't let go.

Skeppy kept complaining about carrying the heavy stuff when in reality it was the other way around. Bad just didn't wanna give him a hard time. They were a little over half way there when Skeppy spotted a "yard sale" sign to their far left. His head wandered until it saw multiple things sprawled onto a yard in the distance. His knuckles were turning white and the thought of resting seemed good.

"All I'm saying is, it's gonna get solved soon-" Bad rambled on as Skeppy kept his eyes glued in the distance. In one swift motion, Skeppy shoved past Bad with a laugh and started jogging to the house.

Bad stumbled back at the sudden shove and he looked up to see Skeppy running across the street with reckless abandon. "Skeppy! What are you doing!? Look both ways!" Bad yelled, also jogging to him.

Skeppy skirted his feet against the pavement as he ran into the driveway and dropped all his bags with a thankful sign. He glossed his eyes over the multiple tables and people before he felt a heavy hand grab his shoulder. He whipped around with a smirk and saw Bad dying against his shoulder, also dropping his bags.

"Sk- skepp- Geppy! What are you doing!" He gasped out, also looking at the yard sale. Skeppy gave a cheeky smile as he watched Bad's face. "Can we take a pit stop? I wanna look at all this stuff!" He lied, moving Bad off of him. It felt a little awkward with him leaning on him. Awkward wasn't the right word.. But he couldn't think of any other emotion that could describe it.

"We have to get this food back to the house! We have milk and creamer, it's gonna go warm!" Bad said to him. His mind did wander and think about stopping and taking a rest. He hadn't taken a rest the whole walk since he didn't want to drag them.

Skeppy grabbed his sleeves with a fake cry. "Pleeeeaassse. It'll be quick!" He whined, doing a fake tear wipe.

Bad looked around at all the people that could see them and groaned. "Oh my goodness- Geppy- ughh, okay! Okay, be quick!" He complained, pulling him away like a cat to a scratchpad.

Skeppy threw his arms in the air and laughed as he ran backwards to see the tables. Bad stayed behind to watch the bags, rubbing the part on his arm that the blue boy grabbed.

Skeppy didn't really wanna buy anything, he just wanted a break, but he figured he'd look around. He glossed the tables, laughing at the occasional funny object and almost putting a kazoo in his mouth. But as he was about to wrap up, he saw something thay caught his eye. He took a closer look and saw a pair of red tinted glasses being put into a small case. He walked over in curiosity and saw an average looking man putting them away. He soon put them back on the table and nervously walked away.

After he did, the curious boy walked to the table and picked up the case with his hands, reading the gold print on top.

Plot in the Fine Print
Masked with a Colored Tint

Skeppy did a fake little "Ooh" at the rhyme and opened the little case. There in the case, was a pair of Rose tinted glasses, shining and glistening at the sunlight. It had a few scratches on it, but they looked good. He turned it over.

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