8/13 - Report 1

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Oh my lord oh my god fncking sh!t
Ok oh my god


Ok so I decided to make a report log in this old book because things are really fncking weird right now.

So I just got these new glasses from a yard sale and I thought "These are weird but I whatever" but then I go back home, and now when I look through them, I can see ghosts? Spirits? I don't even know anymore!

Just these
Weird shadow demons that I can't explain.
I saw one hover over Bad after we got home! It was the scariest sh!t I've ever seen. But for some reason he didn't see it, it was so weird.

It's because of these glasses!
These stupid glasses from that yard sale! It had a warning label on them! Who puts warning labels on glasses!?

I should've known something was up when read it. I've never heard of this brand either. I tried googling it but nothing came up except a few crack pots on Youtube explaining how the government brainwashed them.

I tried searching the code on the bottom and nothing came up. I ran it through a few ciphers just to see and still. Nothing!

I just think it's some weird serial code.
But something with these glasses isn't right. They're so fncking creepy.

Nobody seems to see these things either! Even though, through the glasses, there's a terrifying pitch black shadow demon standing right over them. Without the glasses, it's just a normal girl against a wall. With the glasses, there's some sort of darkness that consumes her. Her eyes glow white at times and she looks half-demonic.

I even have my own shadow.
And it terrifies me.

I have to stay away from mirrors now because everytime I look in them with the glasses, there's some Hell creature right next to me. I'm scared to use the bathroom to. I don't want things looking at me!

Ever since yesterday, I've been looking behind me. I haven't noticed until now. I slept with the lights on last night too. I'm not taking chances!

I've figured something out though. Something in this- big and weird web.

It shows up around people.
And they all look- different.
Each shadow has their own look.
(Not a good one, mind you)

They can wear clothes, belts, horns, claws, hats, accessories, they can have multiple body parts. Sometimes even blood, and that one freaks me out.

They have different sounds, different movements, different behaviours- even for twins!

Some people don't have shadows, and it confuses me. They must be lucky.

I was actually able to figure out that I can see people's shadows in photos, so that's helping with my research.

"Research", in quotation marks.

It's really just things I see.

So for the past day, I've been in my room teying to figure this out. Bad has been worried, when I really don't want him to be.

I don't think he should know about this.

It just seems like something he shouldn't know about. It would freak him out, beyond belief.
I don't want him being scared in his own house. It's already happened to me. And I don't want someone else going through it.

So I've been learning lots of things.
Things from photos of cosplayers.
Things from Vsauce videos.
Things from podcasts and streams, games and shows.

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