A Heart Full of Love

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Sakura pov

I gave myself a smile, 'Way to go girl, not giving him time to reject your lunch offer was smart.' my inner cheered. I was excited to be having lunch with Sasuke and to see what kind of flowers he had bought me. Getting dressed in tight blue jeans with a baggy pink shirt I walked out the door and toward Ino's flower shop. Today was a beautiful sunny day and there were couples of all shapes and sizes walking around the leaf, it made me smile. That's why I loved this day, it wasn't about expensive candies or flowers or even jewelry, to me it's about being with the one you love no matter what your doing. Valentine's day to me is about being with your soul mate, the one who you can sit there and do absolutely nothing with but still be perfectly happy. My mind floated back to Sasuke. I wondered if he even wanted to be with me today. Totally unaware of where I was going I bumped into someone, stumbling backwards I blushed and said, "Oh I'm so sorry."
"It's ok..." came a stoic voice I recognized instantly, looking up I smiled at the Kazakage Garra. He returned my smile, "Garra what brings you here!?" I asked moving so another couple could make their way past. "I'm here for Temari, her and Sai have a date tonight and she thought it'd be good for me to get out of the house." he sighed. "So now I'm here slowly making my way around Konaha threw the sea of lovers." He said.
"No one to spend today with?" I asked. His expression hardened just slightly, "No. Being the Kazakage doesn't allow me to get out and meet very many people in the romantic sense." he stated sadly. I frowned, no one should be alone on a day as beautiful as this. Then I thought of an ideal.

Buying a small heartshaped box of chocolates I handed it to him, he took it while giving me a worried look. "Won't Uchiha get mad if we are seen together, "I laughed.
"Sorry Garra it's not for you." I pointed to a lonely girl sitting on a bench watching all of the passing couples with longing eyes. "Take these to her. You both are alone why not be alone together?" I said. He looked back at me and smiled, "Thank you Sakura but how do you know she's alone?" I gave him a small hug then lightly pushed him toward the girl, "Just go get her tiger." I said smiling. He slowly walked over and offered the girl the chocolates, she smiled and asked for him to sit with her. 'That's how match makings done!!! Take that Ino!!' my inner cheered while doing a victory dance. 'Ok now onto get your flowers!!' my inner cheered.

Walking into Ino's flower shop I was greeted the only way possible, "Well finally you dragged your butt out of bed! I thought maybe your forehead grew to big so you couldn't move." Ino said walking over and wrapped me in a tight hug. After hugging back I pulled away, "Your flowers are right over there, and the one who bought them is here to." she whispered. That's when I saw him, standing by one of the windows holding a big bouquet of red roses was none other then a nervous looking Sasuke.


After Sakura called me and told me we were having lunch I tore down the paths trying to get past all the couples sucking face and walking extra slow. After that didn't work I just took my time, I lived closer to Ino's flower shop anyway so I should get there long before Sakura even thinks of going there. "SASUKE-KUN!!!" Came a loud scream that stopped me in my tracks. The ground began to shake as if there was an earthquake, looking around I spotted the ones responsible. A large,screaming group of fan girls were running right at me their arms full of chocolates,flowers,giant teddy bears and one girl was swinging her bra. Now I, Sasuke Uchiha was not scared of much but a giant group of fan girls is one of the few things I am scared of. Turning on my heels I ran trying to get away, I had to make it to Ino's shop in one piece.

One thing about a group of fan girls, they don't give up easily. I tried everything I could think of from jumping on the roofs of buildings to hiding in buildings but they continued to follow me. Jumping amongst a crowd I tried to stay down and blend in but that's kinda hard to do when everyone else is walking around with someone wrapped in their arms. Looking around I saw someone who would be able to help. His back was turned to me but the giant scroll on his back gave him away. "Sai I can't believe I'm saying this but I need your help." I said. He turned and gave me a fake smile, "What do you need help with? Are you not satisfying Sakura's sexual needs? Does she want more then you can give her in one night?" he asked causing me to glare at him. Then I heard the group of fan girls getting closer, "Just stand here." I said making a handsigh. Smiling I managed to turn Sai into a perfect copy of myself, "THERE YOU ARE SASUKE-KUN!" the girls screeched.

Finding a safe place to hide I watched in horror as the giant group of fan girls attacked Sai, the poor guy didn't have a prayer but hey he isn't my problem. Thankfully I was close by Ino's shop now, so running full speed I finally made it. Rushing inside I was greeted with, "Hello and welco...." she stopped and stared wide eyed at me. "Wow hi Sasuke-kun." she said giving me a surprised smile. "Ino. Where are the flowers I uh...bought for Sakura?" I asked looking around. There were tons of bouquets of different types of flowers sitting around. Her smile never wavered, "Right here." she said pointing to a big dozen bright red roses. I picked them up, "I'm...just going to go give these to her. You know to be more romantic..." I lied. She gave a wink, "How romantic! But you won't have far to go!" she pointing to the door.

Sakura came walking in and I freaked, Ino walked over and hugged her. Then she looked at me with shock clear on her face. 'Wow she looks good today.' my inner decided to comment. I wanted to argue but I couldn't, "Sasuke?" she said making her way toward me, 'Throw the flowers man!' my Inner said as she stood in front of me now. "Sasuke here was just about to go give these flowers to you personally Sakura but then you walked in." Ino cut in causing me to give her a shut up glare. Sakuras face lit up, I frowned then handed her the flowers, she gave me a beautiful smile then sniffed them. Mentally shaking myself I steeled my emotions, "You ready Sasuke?" she asked drawing my attention back to her. Giving her a questioning look she rolled her eyes and said, "For lunch." I gave a silent sigh then nodded. "Good. Come on." she said grabbing my arm and dragging me out the door, "Have fun you two!!" Ino called after us.

Sakura has a heart full of love when it comes to the raven.

To be cont...

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