Chapter 16

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A Request

"So, why do you want to join the league?" Shigaraki asked the blonde. With her cheery self she answered: "I want to live in an easy world! I want to be free and Act how I chose!! I want a new society where people like us are free to roam around..." Shigaraki gave a hum and Dabi gave a comment. "Pfft, Immature." He muttered but audible to everyone's ears. Suddenly Toga decided that she wanted to scrape Dabi's pretty face a little, irritation must've got the best of her. Kurogiri fortunately didn't let any violence happen.  "Welcome." was the only thing Shigaraki said before continuing back to his video games.

Dabi has been in the league for four years. One of the original members after Kurogiri and Tomura. His said reasoning was no secret to the first league members. His Endeavor's son, and apparently he hated the flame hero's guts. It gave him an automatic pass. He told them about the abuse and that he's had enough. From then on, All for one accepted him fully because of the guy's hatred. But there's more that lies beneath..


"Sensei.. is there anything I can do to help?" Izuku asked his teachers. It was early in the morning probably three hours before school starts. In the kitchen of the teacher's dorms was a whining Izuku. "I told you leave the cooking to us" Present Mic insisted. The younger tried to whine more but ended up losing and ate his breakfast quietly. 

It was a weird morning for Izuku. In the teacher's dorm can be found a human alarm clock, yellow caterpillar, doting auntie, and cleaning robots made by power loader. He swore the caterpillar would someday turn into a butterfly. Apparently there's also a skeleton, considerate enough that he noticed the hero was All Might, he didn't say a word to avoid rudeness. And there's also the principal who drinks his coffee on the couch.

This wasn't the usual but all teachers are busy with paperwork and had to cram. They didn't have time to go home so they stayed there. "You're an early bird." Shota said to his student. "uhmm yeah.. just habit." The boy answered. "Habit?"

"Yeah, I trained my quirk and close combat every morning before UA and everything." Izuku said, earning the interest of the hobo man and Nezu. "Hmm.. Hardworking I see." Nezu said then he sips his tea. "Can I jog around campus? I promise I'll come back." Aizawa shook his head no. "You need to rest problem child." The redhead pouted a bit but shrugged and went to his assigned room. He found pens and paper and decided to draw Rindou flowers. It is his favorite flower, it can mean justice, victory, or lonely love. He doesn't know why he loves it but it was aesthetic to his eyes. Soon enough, he decided to get ready for school. Leaving the same time as the staff, he was early but a couple early students gave him company somehow. 

The class was almost full and everyone noticed that Midoriya is back in class. Of course they greeted him back. They'll do some morning lessons then start internships at the afternoon. Aizawa was still the usual sleepy teacher, thus consequently making the class have a free time. "Izuku! how are you? what happened?" "You were gone for a while.." and a couple similar questions were asked. "I-i'm fine thankyou." He said lessening the worries of his classmates. "Something came up and have to take care of." He added. 

He was happy, Izuku thought that he has wonderful siblings and a willing family. A father, and still has a mother. But no one will replace the care of Inko. He smiled to himself, he can't wait to meet the named Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Rei. School hours ended and it was time for the students to go to their internships. Izuku spent his time catching up with Katsuki who kept complaining about best jeanist.

"Izuku, let's go together." Shoto said. "Oh right!" Izuku waved his bestfriend bye and went with his brother. While in the train station, Shoto couldn't help but ruffle the younger one's hair. Izuku didn't mind. 'Must be hard for Shoto to keep this from me.' he thought. He was glad to have such a kind brother. Let's just say that Izuku loves the attention like a three year old. They just talked until arriving near the agency building, they learned some new stuff about each other. They found out that they both liked cold soba. 

Izuku's head started to hurt, then it really hit him hard. There was a wave of headache that past him. Suddenly he saw visions. It was blurry but he managed to recognize the figure thanks to a recent incident. 'The mist man from the USJ villain attack!' the background was a night sky and a brick wall that looked like an alley. Then moving, then all black, then the night sky with a different alley background. The vision stopped there. "zu-..Iz.. izuku.. Izuku!" He looked at Shoto who was calling his name. "Huh?"

"Are you okay?" Izuku nodded at his brother. "Just another flash of memories.. nothing too big." He shrugged off. "Well, we are late. We should head in." The older pulled Izuku in the building and is greeted by the employees. Izuku bowed his head at them to show respect. 

While waiting for the twins to come, Enji was talking, more of like begging the doctors to see his wife, Rei. "can you at least ask her?" He asked. "We'll do sir Todoroki." Then the call ended just on time. Shoto and Izuku entered the room without a knock. Shoto just went in straight, Izuku bowed at the lack of manners. 

"No need to bow Iz- Midoriya." Endeavor said. "How about you two change into your hero costume and I'll bring you to patrol with me. Since you can't engage in fights yet, I'll let you watch and maybe practice at the training room downstairs." Izuku nodded same as Shoto. They both look alike in their stoic demeanor. 

After an amazing tour of Endeavor's usual daily life, his patrols, He made the kids used the training room to their content. The training room was especially made for with temperature base quirks. Watching from the side lines while his assistant named his week upcoming schedule, he got a call from the number earlier. 

"Hello Mr. Enji Todoroki?" 


"She agreed also with the requested schedule." 

"Okay, thankyou.." He said then he ended the call. He looked back at his sons and focused on Izuku.

"You'll come home soon.." He said with a soft smile.

BNHA: Izuku Todoroki (What if Izuku is a Todoroki?)Where stories live. Discover now