Chapter 23

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"Just Don't Make The Same Mistakes Again"

"I'm taking Izuku out!" Natsuo yelled as he holds Izuku's shoulders ready to go outside the house. "Come back before dinner!" Their sister said. Once two boys were out, she let out a sigh as she hears her father groan for the probably a hundredth time since last night. Shoto was slurping his Soba and gestured his head to the direction of his their father's room.

Fuyumi made her way and knocked. "Dad... You've been at it all this time since dinner finished yesterday." Fuyumi said. "I'm.. sorry.. Fuyumi." Fuyumi was quite startled at the apology but she knew she can get used to it. 

"It's just, I don't know what to do..." Endeavor let out. The daughter sighed. "How about, you go to your agency for now and bother Izuku later. Endeavor Agency will fall at this rate. Plus, you are still a hero.. dad.., We promised we'll help each other out with Izuku." She said before leaving. 

Meanwhile, Natsuo was enjoying the bus ride with Izuku. He usually goes alone in going to his college, and Shoto doesn't hang out much. Plus, whenever Shoto comes with him, it was always awkward because the younger always seemed apathetic. Izuku wasn't as apathetic and also starts conversations. Which was fun for the white head brother.

"Izuku. I'll spoil you lots today!" Natsuo said as the bus pulled to their stopped, immediately, Natsuo started pulling his youngest brother to the mall nearby the station. "Natsu-nii. We have all day to ourselves.." Izuku chuckled. It was nice to know he was granted siblings. Even though he originally thought of being an older brother someday, and dreamed things to do with it, he didn't mind being the youngest seeing how his siblings treated him.

"And all day we get to know each other!" Natsuo answered with a smile. First stop was to buy tickets to the movies, it was scheduled after lunch, not until four more hours. So Natsuo brings Izuku to a clothing store and a Hero merch shop. Safe to say, it wasn't even half the day and they bought many stuff for Izuku's new room and clothes. Of course they bought stuff not only for themselves but also for their father and siblings.

All stuff was able to be bought possible with the help of Endeavor's credit card.


The next day..

"Shoto, Izuku" The sleepy voice of Aizawa called. Both Todoroki boys are early for school. Fuyumi dropped them off when Aizawa managed to be early too. By the looks of it, Present Mic has forced Aizawa into going early. 

"Mic Sensei! Aizawa Sensei! Good morning." Izuku greeted. Shoto, still being monotone greeted with a plain "good morning". 

"Sensei! I changed my name to Todoroki already too!" Shoto chuckled at his younger brother. "That's good.. Todoroki.." "WELL THAT'S JUST CONFUSING SHOTA!" Mic exclaimed. Aizawa sighed. "Yeah, that's right.. well, is it okay if I call you Izuku and Shoto?" Both boys nodded with small smiles.

The four went in the building together but soon separate ways as the teachers went to the faculty and the siblings made their way to the classroom. There they met an early Yaoyorozu, and Iida. "Good morning Midoriya! Good morning Todoroki!" Iida greeted while doing his hand thing. "good morning." Yaoyorozu followed.

Izuku isn't much seemingly apathetic than as his brother. He smiled at the two and greeted back. While waiting for all others, Shoto made his way to Katsuki's seat, sitting in a way fronting Izuku. "You seem closer.. kero." Tsuyu came in with Uraraka and Hagekure. Both nodded. "Oi! Izu! I couldn't find the new address you sent!!" Bakugou stormed in the room. "Kacchan." Izuku sighed. "Maybe come with Todoroki and me later. I'm not sure though if dad will allow it." Izuku said. "Don't worry Izuku. He will." Shoto assured as he get up from the seat.

Soon enough, more and more of their classmates arrived. They all greeted each other and Izuku still wonders why Aizawa is still late. Even though Aizawa was just in the dorms or at home, he noticed their teacher comes to school early only to attend his class late. 

Minutes passed after the time class should've started. Their teacher came in finally. "Morning Sensei!" All greeted in different ways. "sit down. Because of many attacks UA has faced, the school wants to ensure safety an-" Aizawa sighed cutting of what he is saying as he dropped what he was reading. "Basically, UA wants you to move into dorms. We already talked to your parents already and they approved. This is done for easier protection of students." Everyone went beaming. Aizawa let out a small cough to get the class' attention.

Successfully, all students  went quiet. "Both Todoroki are still staying home though for a while." This statement confused many. "Aizawa.. you mean Todoroki will not be at the dorms? kero." He nodded. "Sensei? What do you mean by both?" Iida asked. Aizawa looked at Shoto with a questioning face. The boy slightly shook his head. He sighed. "Drop the topic for now. Let's start the lesson."



"Hey Todoroki!" Mina called. As the curious and most lively classmate, of course she would ask why he wasn't put into the dormitories yet. Some observant enough noticed that 'Midoriya' also turned his head when Shoto was called. "Why won't you be in the dorms with us?" She asked. 

"Well, we were gonna say it earlier after classes but many teachers had over timed with us.. My family found one of my missing brothers. We wanted to spend time together more so.." Mina made an 'oh' as she understood the situation. "Well that's cool bro!" "Must be nice to have more siblings!" More comments came flooding, unable to say the main announcement on how Izuku is the brother in the story.

"Well, I guess they'll just find out soon themselves." Katsuki says while putting a handover Izuku's shoulders pushing after pushing Shoto out the way butting in the middle to separate the two. Izuku gave him an amused look. "Kacchan... are you perhaps.. jealous?" Shoto let out a quiet chuckle at the sight of a jealous Bakugou.

"So.. Izuku, mind telling me where Kacchan came from?" the older brother asked as he moved to the other side of Izuku. "Oh, well... I'm not good with names when I met him.. but I liked his company and wanted to keep playing with him, so.. I called him Kacchan. Easyfor me to remember at that time." Shoto just hummed. 

Katsuki turned his attention back to the brothers from his phone. He texted his mother if it was alright to join the Todorokis for dinner. She said it was alright after hearing that it was Izuku's real family. "Old hag said I'm okay to go." He said. 


Meanwhile, Endeavor got back from work, more stressed than usual. Fuyumi sighed at the sight. 'he must still be pondering about how to deal with Izuku.' she thought. It was just the two of them, she just recieved a text from Izuku and Shoto about how they will have a friend join them, and Natsuo texted too saying he'd come a bit later than usual due to college group works in Medical Welfare.

"Dad.. You know, we forgive you.. but I couldn't say for a fact that we fully forgive you. You were abusive, and insensitive, and forceful.. I know you changed but, we couldn't just forget. The irritation in Natsuo's eyes can still be seen, same goes to Shoto..but, I know you are doing your best to find what's best to do for Izuku.. you know your mistakes..-"

"Fuyumi? what are you saying? I thought we're over this conversation. I know you won't forgive me fully and same goes to your bro-" Enji was cut off.

"Here's a simple answer, just don't make the same mistakes again."

BNHA: Izuku Todoroki (What if Izuku is a Todoroki?)Where stories live. Discover now