The second bell rang cueing the teacher to walk in the class and sit at his desk.

The three eyed girl layed her head down on the table probably trying to sleep through the class.

"Right! Today we will be looking at griffins history!" The class groaned in annoyance turning to face the teacher.

"Quit you whining!" The teacher turned back to the board jotting stuff down.


I walked into the cafe taking a seat across from willow and Gus.

"How were your guy's classes?" Willow had a bright smile on her face. She had brought a plant to school with her for a project. Man the girl loved plants.

"Terrible! I had to listen to Ms.Mills talk about her love life! Gus slammed his head on the table, turning some heads in our direction.

"Don't tell me she was dumped again." I looked over to Gus who was still face flat on the table, him only giving a nod in return.

Gus and Willow got into some argument on who Ms.Mills would fit best with, as I let my mind wander. I couldn't help but to look over to where Amitys group of friends were sitting. She was holding a book in her hands obiously not paying any attention to what the others were saying.

I she looked up from her book, searching around her eyes eventually landing on me, us making eye contact.

She had bright golden eyes that practically glowed in light. Her eyes widened realizing she was staring as she quickly turned her head back to her book, shrugging her head into her shoulders and shoving her face in the page's.

Skara put a hand on her shoulder asking her something I wasn't able to hear as Amity just raised her hand if the air waving it a bit not even looking up from her book.

I looked back to the friends in front of me tuning back into their conversation.

"Im telling you, she would do much better if she was more confident!" Gus put a finger up to Willows face. "Fine, you win! She could do better if she was confident!" Willow grumbled under her breath folding her arms tight to her chest.

"Uh- Luz are you okay?" Willow and Gus looked over to me with a questioning stare. "Yeah I'm fine. Just spacing out." I rested my head on my hand, giving a bland look.

The cafiteria was loud as always. Everybody differed between conversations, getting into regular arguments.


Three large men dressed in all black slammed the cafeteria doors open. "EVERYBODY ON THE GROUND NOW!"

Screams could be heard from around the cafeteria as everbody got on the ground including me. The three men moved to the middle of the room, one of the three pulling out a gun.

Willow, Gus, and I climed under our table panting from fear. "Whats going on?" Gus had a pure look of fear plastered on his face as he whisper yelled.

"I don't know! If there here for money our school can barly afford pencils!" Willow looked like she was on the verge of tears as she was hyperventilating.

I peered over the table seeing the three interrogating a teacher.

I ducked back under the table. "I don't know but it's going to be fine. There probably here for the fundraiser money.

Gus started crying covering his mouth to keep quiet.

Sorry it's escalating quickly I didn't know what to do

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