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It has been 2 years since i ran away. Life is better now, for all 2 years i have been travelling around the world meeting new people and making new friends but no love interests so far .

Today is the day I make my final stop and make a place i can call home and when I mean make a place I mean my compelled vampires. 

I finally arrive in beacon hills and i plan to get myself in the middle of all the drama because you've got to love a Drama Queen anyways i drop my bags off at my new large house and make my way to the high school where I have already Enrolled. As I step off my Dodge Tomahawk motorbike, I am Greeted by the principal who was defiantly sucking up to me for money, As i turn my head a bit im met with a site id never thought id see 2 Alphas in one spot and if thats wowed your mind there both hot except one of them gives me Gay bestfriend vibes witch i totally live for i lulled my head to the side and realised I cant be seen or there going to try and kill me and Bam there heads gone .

{Aidens P.O.V} 

I was just about to pounce on McCall when i smelt coconuts and I dont know anyone who smells like coconuts i turned my head a bit to see a goddess like women standing in the shadows unafraid of what she just say "Ethan whos that" i was a bout to say when i turned my head and there was Deculation staring at me even though hes blind "Bring me the girl she smells like victory and power".


hope you guys enjoyed sorry its short again ive been kind of busy but it will be longer next time (Thats what she said)

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