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MARION CARROW GREW UP IN A VERY PARTICULAR WAY. She had always been told she was beautiful, that she could get any man she ever wanted, and yet, when it came down to it, that was not the case.

Her father came from a very long line of pure-blood wizards. The family were not members of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, but they were about as powerful and respected as one could be without being a member of the elite group. That was until her father travelled along the coast of Eastern Europe and became enchanted by a beautiful, Bulgarian Veela woman. They were married quickly and thus Marion was born.

The family knew that the taint they had caused in their bloodline had to be mended, so as soon as Marion was of age they married her off to a member of the one of the highest and purest-blood families around.

Marion wasn't fazed by having to get married young. In fact, she had rather been looking forward to starting the rest of life with someone that would look after her, she had just expected to have a choice in who that was. However, the moment she laid eyes on Atticus Carrow she was eternally grateful. It could have been so much worse. A cousin, something that was far from uncommon at the time, or a ghastly looking man. But instead she wed to a tall and handsome brooding type who had far more money than he knew what to do with. Atticus had never been particularly warm or open, and it took some time for the two of them to become close, but eventually Marion fell in love with her husband and he with her.

Having children was never some romantic or nurturing choice, simply a duty they had to carry out, so late in the summer of 1976, Diana was born.

Even as a baby Diana was rather strange. She never cried. Not when she was hungry or tired, not even at night when she was left all on her own. As she aged, this lessened slightly. She seemed happy around the House Elf, Ruby, and her eyes would light up in joy at story-time. If things were normal, she would have developed properly and grown up to a be a happy and ordinary teen, but things weren't, since Marion had never been worried about Diana's lack of emotions. She knew it was a difficult world out there, especially for a girl, and if Diana was to be the heir they required, she needed to be tough, she needed to be resilient.

Marion never had any natural motherly or caring instincts and Atticus paid little attention to his daughter, for he didn't really like children and always saw her as nothing more than an asset, but nonetheless she did what she needed to do to raise her daughter. She gave Diana they same kind of up-bringing she herself had, based on the principles of pure-blood superiority. There were a lot of classes from numeracy to literature and then piano, and then violin, and then etiquette. How to curtesy, what cutlery to use, how to sit, how to speak.

There were more fun, child-friendly activities too. Diana was read to, though these were only wizarding stories about how great it was to be a witch or a pure-blood. She could play dolls, as long as the narrative was strictly monitored and controlled. Marion would do her hair, tell her how beautiful she was and show her what it meant to be a lady. Then finally she was allowed a friend. A boy from a fellow and equally respected family who was born around the same time as Diana. Harrison would come over weekly and they'd share classes or sometimes even be allowed to play. Occasionally, they'd play  footsies under the table during lessons and Diana wouldn't be able to stop the mischievous smile from spreading across her face. Of course it would always end in the two of them being scolded and punished, but that couple minutes of playfulness was the one thing they had to keep them going.

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