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The castle was buzzing with the joyous and merry atmosphere of the holiday. Every inch was beautifully decorated with the most ornate and exquisite festive decorations anyone could imagine. Students bustled around the corridors and in their Common Rooms talking about their plans for the holiday, excited to go home and receive everything they wanted in a form of present wrapped neatly under the tree.

The spirit of Christmas was infectious and even Diana, miserable, cold-hearted and bitter Diana, was feeling and acting more merry than usual.

The only person who wasn't infected by the Christmas cheer seemed to be Professor Snape. Diana thought the fact he was teaching his final class of the year and was about to have a month of peace would make him somewhat happy, or at least not as awful as usual, but alas, he was as miserable and bleak as always. The Potions lesson had barely begun and he had already given out two detentions, taken away twenty House Points and scolded three students for forgetting their cauldrons.

"Can anyone tell me what Amortentia is?" He drearily asked the class of seventh year students who stood crowded around the single table at the front of the room, as they listened to their teacher drone on and on.

"Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in existence." A Gryffindor girl answered. "It causes a powerful infatuation or obsession from the drinker that is almost instant. The potion has a different aroma for everyone who smells it, reminding each person of the things that they find most attractive, even if the person is unaware of their fondness."

Out of the corner of her eye, Diana saw a huddle of boys sniggering under their breath, seemingly at the thought they could manipulate some girl into being infatuated with them. Diana turned her head slowly to glare at them and when they caught her vicious stare they instantly stopped.

"Of course, Amortentia doesn't really create love. It's impossible to manufacture or imitate love. The potion will simply cause a powerful infatuation or obsession. It's possibly one of the most powerful potions around."

As she brewed her own potion, Diana deliberated how dangerous it really was. Love, especially one so obsessive was not something to be underestimated. The notion that one could be forced to do anything under it's effect, similar to the Imperius Curse, was alarming and scary.

Far too harshly Diana crushed the pearl into powder with her pestle. "It should be banned." She angrily muttered, crunching down fiercely once again. "Let alone on the school curriculum for any idiot to brew."

"How is it any different to what you do?" Cassandra questioned bitterly from across the table. "One flick of your Veela hair and boys are practically begging to do anything for you."

"I have no power in manipulating people to fall in love with me and any abilities I do have, no matter how small, I would never abuse so seriously." She retaliated, though Cassandra only tutted as though in disbelief.

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