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AS THE WEEKS WENT BY LUPIN REALISED IT WOULD BE HARDER THAN HE THOUGHT TO GET DIANA TO OPEN UP. Consequently, the task that Dumbledore had given him seemed to be exceedingly difficult and he began to think it might have even been impossible. Their sessions carried on taking place though each went the same way. Diana would enter the classroom, say a brief hello, sometimes make a snarky comment about how tremendously annoying it was she had to be there, and then she'd start whatever task he had assigned her that day in silence. He'd try and make conversation, asking her questions or saying things he thought she might have found interesting but all she would do is reply bluntly and shut the down conversation before it could even begin.

It was clear she had no desire to converse or form any sort of bond. The walls she had built around herself were so strong they were almost visible and they weren't coming down anytime soon. She wouldn't let anybody close, wouldn't let anybody in. He wondered what had made her that way. Was it one particular incident or a sequence of events? No one was born that cold. It was a result of something life had thrown at you, of being hurt so badly you did everything in your power to stop it ever happening again.

Though this also meant he couldn't tell where her allegiance laid. From the way she acted, her house, her family, her friends, you would presume it to be on the wrong side of the wizarding world but there was something about her that made him suspect differently.

That Sunday they had met earlier than usual. There was a staff meeting regarding the dementors later in the day and thus their session was moved up to the afternoon. As always Diana sat on the opposite side of the oak desk, completing her work with intense concentration. She was planning a sixth-year lesson on non-verbal spells, occasionally dipping her quill in ink and flicking through a book of spells.

Remus picked up the open tin of chocolate biscuits that often occupied his desk and held them out towards her. "Biscuit?" He asked politely, leaning them towards her so she could take one.

Diana looked up from her work to the biscuits and then to Lupin with a look on her face that it made it seem like he had asked her the most ridiculous of questions. "No." She sneered as though the answer was painstakingly obvious then went back to her work.

Sheepishly, Remus placed the biscuits back onto the desk. His foot tapped against the stone floor, leg shaking as he thought. He had to do something to stop her from being so hostile or else they'd never get anywhere.

"Let's go for a walk." He suddenly announced, rising enthusiastically from his seat.

"What?" Diana asked looking up from her work, even though she had heard him perfectly but was just in disbelief at his proposal. "Let's go for a walk." He repeated with just as much gusto as the first time. He strode over to the coat rack by the door and pulled on a long overcoat.

"Are you absurd?" She exclaimed. "It's freezing out there. I haven't even got a coat!"

It was true. Any warmth September had hung onto was long gone now they were in October. It just so happened to be a particularly cold Autumn that year too, the chill was dreadfully painful, and even from inside you could hear the forceful gusts of wind as they battered against the windows.

𝔟𝔦𝔱𝔱𝔢𝔯〡REMUS LUPINWhere stories live. Discover now