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THE SEPTEMBER SUN CREPT THROUGH THE SLIGHT GAP IN THE CURTAINS OF THE SLYTHERIN DORM. It awoke Diana peacefully from her deep slumber and she burrowed herself into the warm, soft sheets letting the ray of light trickle over her. It was cold outside the bed and she was hesitant to leave but nonetheless she rubbed the remainder of sleep from her eyes and began to sit up when the obnoxious tone of an alarm clock started to ring.

"Turn that bloody thing off." Cassandra angrily muttered from her own bed, arms messily thrown over her head as the sound painfully rattled around her skull. A fumbling noise came from the bed on the other side of the room until the deafening sound stopped with the slap of Olivia's hand against the clock.

It wasn't like Diana to wake up early. This was because sleep never came easily to her. She had to be truly exhausted to doze off, to the point her eyes could no longer physically stay open and her chest was heavy with the weight of fatigue. Though there were some nights that not even that would happen and she'd be wide awake for hours. Hence, she never woke up early after. She was extremely fortunate though because she never awoke tired or groggy and nor did she ever look it. Another benefit of her Veela blood.

However she had quite surprisingly the night before fallen asleep rather promptly and particularly effortlessly and thus, woken up much earlier than usual. So much so that by six-thirty she was entering the Great Hall for breakfast.

Diana had never seen the Hall so empty, nor heard it so quiet. Only a few students were there by that time, the majority savouring every second they could of precious slumber in their dorms. At the front of the room Professor McGonagall and Trelawney chatted idly over two bowls of muesli and Diana sat at the empty Slytherin table. She helped herself to a pot of strawberry yogurt and glass of pumpkin juice for breakfast, consuming them slowly as not to rush the morning away.

With time to spare, Diana went to the library to get a head start on the busy year ahead. She had high expectations for her N.E.W.T.s and in true Slytherin nature, would stop at nothing to achieve that, even if it meant waking up ludicrously early to get in extra studying time.

As she approached her favourite seat in the back corner of the library, which just happened to be right next to the fireplace, she was surprised to see someone already sitting there.

"What are you doing, Weaselbee?" She groaned at Percy who hunched over a book at her desk. He promptly glanced up, equally surprised to find someone else in the library so early in the morning, particularly on the first day of term. "I'm allowed to talk to you again now am I?" He scoffed.

"I'd rather you didn't but since we are now in term time I suppose I will allow it." She replied, crossing her arms over her chest and he tutted. "If you must know, I'm working. I come here every morning before classes start."

That explained why Diana had never bumped into him before, she was never normally awake early enough to be in the library at this time.

"Can you move?" She asked but it was more of a demand than a question. "This is where I like to sit."

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