Chapter 2

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-------- Dark Green Eyes --------

It sped through the week, with me practically bouncing around every day. I had been skipping around my room, listening to For you by none other than Aidan, and chose my outfit for the next day. I heard the whistle of a notification from twitter (btw i don't have twitter so idk how it really works...) It was a tweet from Aidan. It had a picture of the front of the stage where he was performing the next day. The caption really took my breath away and made my eyes widen. It said "After the performance, I'll be doing a meet and greet an hour and half later, so make sure to be the first in line!"

My heart skipped a beat.

Aidan Gallagher... will be here... in my town... DOING A MEET AN GREET!?? I just HAD to be in that line. I called Charlotte to tell her the good news.

"Hey, what's up?" she asked, probably picking up on my breathing being out of time. "OMG you will never guess what I just found out!!" I said, pacing back and forth in my messy room. I only just realised. I REALLY needed to clean up... "No, what is it?" Charlotte questioned. "AIDAN IS DOING A MEET AND GREET AN HOUR AND A HALF AFTER THE CONCERT!!!" I screamed into the mic. "Jeez. If I weren't your bestie, I would have told you stop SCREECHING into the mic and leave me alone! But I'm excited for that too!" She said. "Get up super early and make sure that we are in the front of the line for the queue into the theatre. I want the front row!" I exclaimed, looking at my dress and leather jacket laying on my bed. "Ok, I will. See you tomorrow y/n!" She said. "See ya!" I said back. I shut my phone and it immediately started playing Aidan's sweet, angel-like voice through my speaker.

I couldn't wait for tomorrow!


(the next morning, at 10am)

It was 10am, and I was standing outside my house, waiting for Charlotte and her older brother to come and pick me up. To be honest, I didn't like her older brother, Zach, all too much. Every-time I came to her house, he would always look me up and down. It kinda creeped me out. But I learnt to just ignore him. I heard gravel under tyres, which made me look up from the floor. Charlotte had her torso and her head sticking out of the passenger seat window. "You ready to go y/n?" she asked, with a grin on her face. "Yeah, let's go" I said, jumping into the middle seat in the back.

We got there 5 minutes earlier than we were supposed too, so there was a much shorter line than I thought there would be at this time, literally like a dozen girls trying to push to front of the line. We got out of the car and hopped into the back of the line, while Zach sped off down the road. "Seriously, how can you love a goof like that. He seriously has problems." I said, frowning at the sound trailing off into the town. The line moved shorter, until there were only a few people left. "Well I can't help that. He's my brother. We're supposed to love each other, more or less." Charlotte said, looking at the noise as well, a disapproving frown on her face, "but I do wish that he was more careful."

A gruff voice of a man appeared in front of us and asked us "name and ticket's?" I showed him my two ticket's and me and Charlotte both told him our names. He let us go through the door and we pulled back the black cloth.

The theatre was amazing. All the chairs were pushed back and stacked up high. The lights from above shone brightly onto our skin, making it the bounce back onto the ceiling. I swear my skin wasn't that shiny. The stage was something out of every girl's rockstar dream. There were speaker's on the two front corner's. The mic in the middle of the stage was obviously for Aidan to sing his sweet, sweet music. In the middle back, I saw a drum kit about the same size as my bed. But the thing that caught most of my attention was the cute piano tucked away in the corner, like it was trying not to be seen. Hidden away.

I looked at my phone and noticed I had a few minutes yet until Aidan came out onto the stage. I told Charlotte that I was going to get drinks and snacks for us, and she nodded. I walked into the bar and asked for some water and Pringles. I came back to the screeching girls, trying to barge my way to the front. Charlotte pulled me through and laughed. I laughed too.

Then the lights went low. I turned my head towards the crowd and noticed that there were A LOT more girls in here than before. Must of had a swarm come through whilst I was gone. I focused my attention back onto the stage.

It was starting.

(yh, this chapter's really long... soz)


(wizz to the end of the concert)

"OMG, that was so good! Could you believe it?!" I said staggering out of the exit door. I wasn't drunk. Well maybe I was, but it wasn't alcohol. It was starstruck-ness. Ugh, is that even a word? "I know, right.?! You always said he was a good singer but you didn't specify HOW good he was!" Charlotte screamed back at me. I think we may have been deafened due to the screaming girls, along with me. "Hey y/n, can we meet back here? I think I need to get out and walk around for a while. I promise I'll be back for the meet and greet." Charlotte asked. "Sure Charlotte, do what you have to do." I replied, smiling at her. "Thanks." She hugged me and walked off.

I sat down on a bench near the queue, just so I make sure that I'm at the front. I had brought lunch with me because I knew that I had to wait a while and knew I was going to be hungry. It wasn't a very good lunch, just a sandwich and an apple, but it was a good enough. It wasn't like I was at the ritz or something.

I was about to start eating when I felt a little tap on my shoulder. I looked up. Oh my ffing god... Aidan Ryan Gallagher stood right in front of me, smiling. The dimples in his cheeks became very prominent. I blushed. The sun shone behind him, like he was some sort of god or something. Well, let's face it he kinda was. Ugh cringe. Just then I noticed his eyes. His eyes were a Dark green, the colour you'll find in a jungle or something. I noticed I was staring and looked down immediately. He asked, in his beautiful voice,"hey, you seem lonely. Wanna come to get something to eat with me?" W-was this really happening? Was Aidan Gallagher asking me to get lunch with him? When I didn't even know him and he didn't even know me? I tried to act cool so I said "Yeah sure. Why not." I got up and walked in the same stride as him.

This was turning out to be the best day ever.

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