Chapter 10

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----------------------------------- Intruder -------------------------------------------------

                                                (Time skip cause I'm lazy :D)

I woke up to the sound of pots and pans being clanged around in the kitchen. I got out of bed, put on my dressing gown and went to see the noise. My mother was up and making breakfast already. I looked at the time on the kitchen clock and saw it was 7:00 am. What is she doing making breakfast at 7:00 in the morning?"Morning, darling." "Hi mum/mom, what are you doing making breakfast so early?" I went into the fridge and got the orange juice (if you don't like orange juice then change it). I put a glass out and poured the juice in. I took a sip when my mother said "Well, for our guest of course" I spat out the juice when I saw Aidan sitting in our living room, looking around. I ran towards my mother. 

"WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?!" I asked her, half whispering, and half in a panic mode. "Well, he said that he had something to talk to you about and he seems like a really nice boy. So we got to talking and I feel like he's perfect for you. What do you think about him?" She smiled, giggling slightly. This was not a laughing matter. AIDAN GALLAGHER was in my house!! I didn't know how to feel. It wasn't like he was an intruder or anything, it was just weird to have my childhood crush in my own house. "Well, I like him but I can't tell him now. We only just met a few days ago!" I was so embarrassed.  I almost FELT Aidan's eyes staring over at us. "Well, he seems like a nice boy. And he said that he had something to talk to you about. Go and see!" She pushed me forward and towards the living room.

I walked into the room and saw Aidan sitting there with a laptop in front of him. "Hey, Aidan. sorry about me being in my pyjama's, I just woke up." I said, blushing. "Oh, don't worry, y/n. I could tell you'd sleep well, after the long night we had" he said, smiling at me. "Ok, well what did you have to talk to me about?" "Well how about you go and get dressed and then I'll tell you." "Ok, be back in a sec." I dashed out of the room and went upstairs to get changed into shorts and a hoodie. I brushed my teeth quickly and went back downstairs.

"Ok, so what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked, walking back into the room and sitting down next to him. "Well, you know when we were talking that night, and I said to audition for TUA?" "Yeah, what about it?" I tipped my head to the side and looked at him questioningly. "Well, I've organised a meeting to discuss an audition and when to fly out so you can do that audition. What do you think?" He asked, smiling. He knew that what he had just done made me the happiest I'd ever been, and he liked it. "OMG THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH AIDAN!!" I screamed. I threw myself at him and hugged him tight. He laughed and nestled his head into the crook of my neck. "No problem at all, y/n."

We kind of just stayed there for a minute, swaying back and forth. It felt nice. His neck and arms were warm. They kind of reminded me of the warmth of the sun from last night. We drew out of the hug. "Well, you should get a pad and a pen. You'll have to remember this stuff. Also get a sign  that says 'do not disturb' on it. We don't want any distractions for this meeting as it is important, ok?" He said, smiling towards me. He was probably more excited for this than I was. I wonder why...

"Ok." I walked out of the room, got a pad, pen and a sign that said 'do not disturb' on it like Aidan said. I was so excited. I was about to walk out of the room when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I walked over to my dressing table and put a bit of mascara, concealer and blush on, just so that I would look like I hadn't just woken up. I brushed through my hair and went downstairs. 

Aidan was setting a zoom call out on his laptop when I walked into the living room. "ok, I'm ready" I said, placing the sign on the door handle and closed the door.

Gerard way came up on the screen and I instantly felt nervous. Aidan went to go and sit on a chair just off screen to us. "Hi, y/n. Aidan's told us so much about you."

This was my chance to be big. If I focused, I could become famous. But this was also a 50/50 situation. 

I hoped that I would get the good 50 of this situation.


Hello my darlings, 

I just wanted to say thank you soooo much for getting me to 79th place in TUA. It really means a lot. I literally started this story in November - December so I was so shocked to see that it's doing so well. Love you all!

Ruby <3

(P.S- Sorry there's a lot of writing in this one, I'll add more photo's and stuff in the next one. Also sorry that theses stories aren't getting straight to the point. I just wanted to give the best story I can.)

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