Goodbye Aidan's Army

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Hiya. Yep the title is real, i'm leaving the Aidan's Army. Not because of him or any of you, but I'm just moving on with life and focusing on bigger things. I still very much respect him and I think of him as an amazing actor, and i'll watch S4 of TUA, but I won't be posting a story of Aidan and y/n, purely because I'm not in the fandom anymore. I might make a five and y/n as I still enjoy the show, so we'll see how that goes.
Anyways, I want to thank the Aidan's Army for making me smile on days where it was hard to, and to give me a chance to experience a famdom. I loved it, and I hope you all will as well.
Love you all,
Ruby Xx

P.S. I wanna say a huge thank you for BLOWING up this story, like it's insane!!! I never would've thought that it would happen, but it did and I'm insanely grateful. I'm going to write some more stories, see y'a soon. Xxxx❤️

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