Chapter 4

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                                                 -------- popcorn crumbs --------


When we walked through the door, I swear to god, I almost fainted. He was only supposed to be staying a couple weeks before he went off to film season 2 of The Umbrella Academy. Anyways, the hallway was the size of 3 of my bedroom's put together (You can choose how long the hallway is, idm). The hallway traced off into the kitchen and dining room, which then led to the living room. We walked through to the living room and went in. The tv was about the same size as his sofa, which was the most comfiest velvet I've ever felt. I sunk into it, nearly falling asleep it was so comfy, when he cleared his throat to get my attention. I looked at him. He had a slight nervous look on his face. It was very faint, but I could see it. I wasn't sure why, but I didn't think much of it. "So, what do you want to do?" he asked, sliding back in his seat. I don't know why he was so fidgety. I was supposed to be the one squirming like a little worm. I mean, I was sitting next to frickin Aidan Gallagher, for crying out loud!

"Umm, I don't know. You choose." I answered, smiling. 

"Ok. How about we watch Netflix?" He asked, grinning. Good. This was starting to seem a little less awkward. 

"Sure, but let me just call my mum. She's probably worried sick about where I am." I said smiling back.

"Ok. I'll go and make popcorn. If you need a little bit of privacy, there's a bathroom upstairs. Second to the left." He said, getting up and strolling into the kitchen.

I bounced up the stairs, walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I called my mum's phone and she answered on the fourth ring.

"Y/N? What's the matter?" She asked in a slight panicky voice.

"Nothing mum. I just wanted to say that I'm going to be a little later than I said."

"What? Why?" she asked, still worried.

"Well, I started to eat my lunch, when AIDAN said that he thought I looked lonely. So he brought me to a cafe and now I'm at his house and-" She cut me off.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE AT HIS HOUSE?" I could almost feel her hot, angry breath through my phone.

"No mum, it's nothing like that, he just asked if we could watch Netflix together. That's all."

"Oh... Ok. Just be careful, Y/N." She said with a small hint of apprehension in her voice.

"I will mum. Love you."

"Love you too."

I hung up the phone and shoved it into my bag. I unlocked the door and walked back down the stairs. Aidan was sitting in the living room, scrolling through Instagram on his phone. He looked up at me when I entered and put his phone away. "Right, what do you want to watch?"

"Umm..." I said whilst walking over and sitting on the sofa. "How about we have a Harry Potter movie Marathon?" I said with Jazz hands. (Sorry if you don't like Harry Potter, but it's a bit important later in the story :) ) I was starting to feel a bit more comfortable with him, like I could be my weird self. "Ok, sure." He smiled and turned on the tv. We both got comfortable and the familiar Harry Potter theme tune started playing. Our movie marathon was about to begin.

Aidan's POV

"Sure, but let me just call my mum, she's probably worried sick where I am." She said, smiling. I loved her smile. It was sort of crooked but in a nice way. Like when someone's laughing at their own joke or something, kinda just waiting for someone to get the pun. Hmm...

"Ok. I'll go and make popcorn. If you need a little bit of privacy, there's a bathroom upstairs. Second to the left." I said whilst walking past her to the kitchen. I did catch a whiff of her hair as I walked past. Coconut. Stop it Aidan. You're being creepy.

She went up the stairs and I rummaged around in the pots and pans for the popcorn machine. It was a shame that I had to leave in two weeks. I should be happy to go and work on The Umbrella Academy. And I was. But for some reason, I wanted y/n there with me. It would probably calm me to be honest. But I knew it wouldn't happen. Her parents wouldn't let her. I sighed. 

I finished making the popcorn and was sitting on my phone, mindlessly scrolling on Instagram, When she came in I chucked my phone to my side. "Right, what do you want to watch?" I asked. "Umm, how about we have a Harry Potter movie marathon?!" She said, whilst doing jazz hands. "Ok, sure." I smiled. It was nice that we could now be our weird selves together. I turned on the tv and got comfortable.


I shifted slightly in my seat. Something crunched whilst I moved. I looked down. Popcorn crumbs. Great. They were everywhere. In my hair, on the carpet, literally everywhere. I looked up. Aidan had his head lopped back on the back of the sofa. I think I must have fallen asleep with my head in his lap. In my head, I did a little dance. I just realised I had had a movie marathon with AIDAN GALLAGHER. That was the best thing that ever happened to me. I got up, stretched, and dug in my bag for my phone. I checked the time.

"OH CRAP!" I said whilst staring at my phone with wide eyes.It was 9:50am. I was supposed to be at home at 11:00. LAST NIGHT. My sudden outburst woke up Aidan and he kind of snored while being startled. I giggled quietly. "Wha-what is it?" He said, while taking in his surroundings. "I'M SO LATE! My mum's going to KILL me!" I panicked. When she get's angry at me, and I mean really angry, take cover. Cause she will blow up. Like last summer we had my aunt round to stay for dinner. My mum wore a pretty pink blouse and a white skirt. But whilst she was serving everyone the lasagna she had made, I sneezed and got cranberry juice all down her skirt and blouse. She erupted. I never had cranberry juice ever again after that.

"Y/N calm down. I'll come with you and say to your parents that we fell asleep and didn't realise the time. Don't worry." He said. He sort of blushed. But it was very faint, so I didn't think much about it.

"You would do that?" I questioned. No one's ever taken the blame for me. It's always been 'It was y/n's fault" or "y/n did it, not me!" It was nice to have someone take the blame for me. "Of course I would. We're friends, and that's what friends do for each other." He said, smiling. I ran towards him and hugged him. "Thanks Gallagher, I owe you. Big time."

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